Remarry my wife

Chapter 152 Su Ruo Missing

Chapter 152 Su Ruo Missing (6)

"I want to know if you found your wife?" Zheng Yuan wasn't angry either, he could understand Xiao Tang's mood at the moment, and besides, it wouldn't do any good to fight against Xiao Tang.

"You still come to ask me? I still want to ask where your dear brother hid my wife?" Xiao Tang mocked.

"President Xiao, I don't think my younger brother took your wife away."

"Then you mean that my wife seduced your younger brother?" Xiao Tang's entire face darkened.

"No, that's not what I meant. What I meant was whether someone set up a trap. Besides, it's still not certain that my brother is missing and your wife is missing, so it means that the two of them are together." Zheng Yuan analyzed calmly. .

"President Zheng, I hope so too! If you have news about your younger brother, please notify me immediately, or I will find it at your own risk!" Xiao Tang was too lazy to practice Tai Chi with Zheng Yuan, he just wanted to find that woman right now , and then give her a hard lesson, let her know what it means to be tall and thick!
"I understand." Zheng Yuan frowned, seeing that Xiao Tang didn't want to communicate with him at all, he had no choice but to leave first, the most important thing now is to find his younger brother first!
He really didn't believe that his younger brother took Xiao Tang's wife away, and of course he didn't mean to say that Xiao Tang's wife seduced his younger brother. He had read the recent newspapers, which were all unfavorable news for Xiao Tang and the Zheng family. What he was afraid of was that someone would sow discord among them. He hoped that he was thinking too much, and he hoped that his younger brother just went out to relax, instead of disappearing with Xiao Tang's wife!
After Zheng Yuan left, Xiao Tang stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking deeply at the scenery outside the window, panicked in his heart, took a cigar and smoked it, who knew that the wound on his back was torn, his face turned pale from the pain.

Stretching out his hand to touch the wound on his back, this is also an irony, thanks to him being so desperate to save that woman, it turned out that this woman would only give him a cuckold, he was really blind, and the goodwill he had just established in his heart collapsed in an instant!

Now his heart is full of resentment, if he finds that woman... He ruthlessly pressed the cigar on the table, and the whole cigar was smashed to pieces by him!
(End of this chapter)

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