Remarry my wife

Chapter 156 The price of derailment

Chapter 156 The price of derailment (3)

Su Ruo didn't dare to think too much. Seeing a bathrobe beside her, Zheng Yuan hurried to get it. Zheng Yuan was still calm, but frowned, and put on the bathrobe beside him.

Xiao Tang saw the two put on their clothes and walked up to Su Ruo with a cold face. He raised his hand and slapped Su Ruo hard without saying a word.

Su Ruo was totally unprepared. Seeing Xiao Tang walking towards her with a sullen face, she was completely frightened, she hadn't recovered from the situation in front of her at all.

Xiao Tang used all his strength, and with two crisp applause, he hit Su Ruo to the ground, blood slipped from the corner of her mouth, her hair was already messed up on her head, and she shed tears of pain at this moment.

Xiao Tang didn't want to relieve his hatred, he stretched out his hand and wanted to continue to grab Su Ruo and beat him again. This damned bitch, he wiped away all his face, and was caught and raped by him on the bed. This green hat is really Higher than the sky!
When Xiao Tang stretched out his hand, he was blocked by Zheng Yuan beside him, and he stood in front of Su Ruo.

"What an adulterer, see if I don't beat you to death today!" Seeing that Zheng Yuan still has the face to protect others, he said angrily and threw his fist at Zheng Yuan.

The two were fighting fiercely, their fists were ringing loudly.

Xiao Tang's skill is very good, but the wound on his back has not fully healed, which weakens his actions a lot. The result of today's big fight is that the wound on his back is directly torn, and blood slips from his back, but he is not at all. He couldn't feel the pain, and the anger had already buried him at this moment. His only thought was to teach the couple in front of him a good lesson.

Zheng Yuan is also a person who has practiced since he was a child, but he has been in a coma for more than two days so that he still has no energy left. If it wasn't for his willpower to protect Su Ruo, he would have been beaten to the ground long ago.

The two barely drew a tie, but both failed.

"Xiao Tang, how could you hit Ruoruo without listening to the explanation, you will regret it!" Zheng Yuan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said fiercely.

"Explain? I heard you two say you want to elope and let me fulfill you?" Xiao Tang roared angrily. He had never been so angry with today. This kind of betrayal was what he hated the most in his life. Su Ruo broke it in front of him. His taboo, how could he bear it.

(End of this chapter)

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