Remarry my wife

Chapter 160 Imprisoned

Chapter 160 Imprisoned (1)

It has been two days since Su Ruo woke up, she only moved her body, not to mention the pain, and heard the sound of metal hitting together.

Raising her hand to touch her swollen head, she saw the chain locked on her hand, she was startled, and quickly sat up, the same sound came from the quilt, she quickly lifted the quilt, her feet There are also shackles on the body, and the other end of the chain is connected to the bedpost. Judging by the length of the chain, it is more than 1 meter at most.

She tugged at the chain, what does this mean?Imprison her?

After pulling it a few times, the chain didn't move at all, and Su Ruo stopped in discouragement.

She sat there in a daze, her face hurt, and her chest was suffocated. The things that happened in the hotel that day came to her mind bit by bit.

Now the room is quiet, she calmed down a lot, and began to slowly think about what happened that day. On the way back from buying breakfast that day, someone knocked her out, and then she remembered that she woke up vaguely a few times, but she really Can't remember what happened?Thinking of the filth on the bed, did she really have a relationship with Zheng Yuan?

Who is it?Who framed her like this, she has no grievances with anyone, why should she be treated like this!
Thinking of Xiao Tang beating herself indiscriminately in the hotel that day, her heart was cold, and she didn't know how Zheng Yuan came back?She and Zheng Yuan were obviously framed.

The person who caused her to be like this, the person who can get benefits is Xiao Tang. She knows in her heart that it must be Xiao Tang's former woman or a woman who liked him, or a business rival. Apart from this, she can't think of anything else, but There are so many of these two kinds of people, how can she tell which one did it?

Who can she confide in the hurt and grievance she has suffered?
Looking at the chains on her hands and feet, she smiled sadly, it was like this, why didn't Xiao Tang divorce her?Why did he keep a woman who he thought had betrayed him? Did he want revenge?It seems that it is, remembering that day when Xiao Tang beat her without even blinking her eyes, she didn't know how to face her future life!
Leaning on the back of the bed, she didn't know how long she had been in a coma. She was very uncomfortable, so she could only close her eyes and let herself think about the future!

(End of this chapter)

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