Remarry my wife

Chapter 162 Imprisoned

Chapter 162 Imprisoned (3)

The door was slammed shut, Su Ruo's heart trembled, and then she calmed down. She thought that Xiao Tang would hit her just now, and she was mentally prepared, but she didn't expect to face her with a slamming sound of the door. She was a little confused now. I don't know how Xiao Tang will treat me in the future, it seems that I can only take one step at a time!

After Xiao Tang left the room, his face turned pale, and his back hurt terribly. After the wound was torn several times, he should have cultivated well, but what happened to him, how could he still be in the mood, arching his back slightly , he leaned on the wall and walked towards the bedroom...

Zheng family.

Zheng Yuan paced back and forth in the room, his handsome face was full of sadness, his brother Zheng Yuan was lying on the bed beside him with a pale face but anxiously looking at him, and three pretty women were sitting on the sofa facing the bed.

"Brother, after I was knocked out on the road that day, and then it became the scene that day, someone must be framing me and Ruoruo." Zheng Yuan emphasized again, and now even speaking, the whole body hurts like hell , I have been beaten like this since I was a child.

"I don't know what happened to Ruoruo?" Xu Ningning said with red eyes. The other two sisters had sad faces. On the way to the hotel that day, their car was stopped by someone. People who came to Zheng's house came to Room 903 and saw the smell of blood, everyone was stunned.

In this situation, who else can help except Zheng Yuan!
"I don't know what happened to Su Ruo. Now the Xiao family can't even fly in. As for the issue of being framed, I have already sent someone to investigate. I think there will be clues soon." Zheng Yuan Shen Sheng said.

"No, I think I'll go to Xiao's house to have a look. I heard from Zheng Yuan that if Ruoruo was beaten by Xiao Tang, it will definitely be hard after going back." Chen Xiaoyan couldn't hold back anymore, and now she wanted to know what she wanted to know for two days. How is Su Ruo?

"I'm going too!" Xu Ningning and Yang Xue said in unison, good sisters are suffering now, how could they sit idly by.

"If you go to Xiao Tang, you may not be allowed to go in." Zheng Yuan said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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