Remarry my wife

Chapter 170 It's starting to turn sunny

Chapter 170 It's starting to turn sunny (1)

After the three of Chen Xiaoyan and the others left, Su Ruo calmed down a lot. In fact, he said verbally that he didn't mind Xiao Tang's misunderstanding. Anyway, it was all the same to him whether he explained it or not, but he really heard Chen Xiaoyan and the others say that Xiao Tang was right. Suspicion arose about this matter, and she was thoroughly investigating. Her mood suddenly became much clearer. How many people can really not care about other people's opinions?Some people say that they don't care, just to comfort themselves, and Su Ruo is such a person.

She was looking forward to catching the murderer who framed her and Zheng Yuan, so that she might be able to be freed in an open and honest manner!
If she really had a relationship with Zheng Yuan, it was because she didn't know about it, and she didn't really experience it. She didn't feel much, but seeing Zheng Yuan in the future, it would definitely be embarrassing!She just has a good impression of Zheng Yuan, such a clean man, anyone can find it comfortable, but it's too early to say that she likes and loves.

She sits quietly by the window, watching the sun go down, watching the night slowly fall, watching the lights come on... Life is only a few decades, not to mention the misfortune of abandoning oneself, in fact, life is still very exciting, every day It is also a kind of enjoyment to quietly watch the changes taking place outside like this. How to live depends on one's state of mind.

After experiencing so much, she slowly understood these truths.

Going back to the bathroom to take a shower, Su Ruo lay down and went to sleep early. She didn’t put on the handcuffs and anklets after they were untied last time, but the chains were still locked on the bedpost. Looking at the cold silver, she used something to put them on. Covered up, I feel ironic when I look at it!My heart is blocked.

Lying on the bed, don't think about anything, after a while, Su Ruo will fall asleep...

After a long time, the door was opened, a man walked in lightly, without turning on the light, he walked to the bedside familiarly, sat on the bedside, through the moonlight and lights coming in from outside, slightly Squinting to look at the woman on the bed, he was in a trance.

I don't know if the good news brought by Chen Xiaoyan made Su Ruo very excited. She has been half asleep and half awake today.
(End of this chapter)

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