Remarry my wife

Chapter 179 The truth is revealed

Chapter 179 The truth is revealed (2)

Seeing Yin Ya run away, Xiao Tang frowned tightly, and issued a kill order to his subordinates.

Yinya's escape has planted a very big hidden danger for the Xiao family, Su Ruo and others in the future!
In the darkroom of the Xiao family.

A woman's jealousy is really terrifying, seeing Lin Xia'er's frightened and distorted face, Xiao Tang went over and slapped her hard.

Anyone who offends him is unlikely to end well.

"Ah Tiao, please don't kill me, I have learned my lesson..." Lin Xiaer cried, she just witnessed the scene where Xiao Tiao's subordinates killed Yin Ya's brothers without blinking their eyes. The effort of erasing traces is really scary for her, she doesn't know what kind of potion was poured on the corpse, the corpse was corroded by sulfuric acid, and slowly turned into a pool of blood, if she didn't want to become a pool of blood, anyone would die have no idea!
"Since you dare to do that, what are you afraid of!" Xiao Tang sat on the chair with a bloodthirsty smile on his handsome face.

"That's because... because I love you. Then Su Ruo had an affair with that man, but I just kept it from you. I just want you to see it clearly. Ah Tang, I..." Lin Xiaer's whole body Embarrassed, but this is not ambiguous at all.

"Tell me, what did you do? You made Su Ruo and Zheng Yuan do that kind of thing, didn't you?" What Xiao Tang is very concerned about now is the filth on the hotel bed, and whether Zheng Yuan has got his hands on it. Su Ruo, which man wants his wife to be touched by another man.

Lin Xia'er was stunned, now that the truth is known, she can't let her crimes get worse, she shook her head vigorously, and said excitedly: "I just let that silver tooth knock Su Ruo and Zheng unconscious. Yuan, put them in a coma for more than two days, and then used Su Ruo's mobile phone to send text messages to Chen Xiaoyan and the others to lure you here. I didn't do anything else. You see, it's because I love you so much, please. please forgive me!"

When Xiao Tang heard this, the anger in his heart disappeared a lot. He thought so too. Seeing that Su Ruo and Zheng Yuan just woke up, they didn't look like people in lust, but where did the filth on the bed come from? of?
He didn't want to pursue it any further, as long as he knew that nothing happened between Su Ruo and Zheng Yuan, other things were not important, even Lin Xia'er, who didn't know whether he was dead or alive in front of him, got up and was about to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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