Remarry my wife

Chapter 183 She's Pregnant

Chapter 183 She's Pregnant (3)

Su Ruo frowned tightly, she really wanted to vomit seeing this now, seeing Xiao Tang's insistence, fearing that he was playing tricks, she had no choice but to open her mouth.

After Xiao Tang fed a few mouthfuls, Su Ruo became more and more nauseated, and then stopped in pain.

Seeing that Su Ruo was eating so painfully, Xiao Tang frowned, but in the end he didn't continue to feed, he didn't want to force Su Ruo too much.

"Go to sleep, get up early every day." Xiao Tang put the bowl on the bedside table, and then he also went to bed, seeing Su Ruo frowning and looking at him, he hooked his lips into a smile: "I get up early every day, so I can call you!"

Su Ruo didn't say anything, she lay down with her back to Xiao Tang, she didn't let herself think about anything, she has been feeling very tired recently, and fell asleep soon...

Xiao Tang lay flat, waiting for Su Ruo to breathe calmly, then he turned around and hugged Su Ruo from behind, the softness in his arms made him feel at ease, he will not look at Su Ruo at night now He would not be able to fall asleep, but now he prefers the feeling of hugging Su Ruo to sleep, Su Ruo has a body fragrance that does not belong to shower gel, it smells very comfortable, making him want to get close to her.

Holding Su Ruo in his arms, Xiao Tang also fell into a deep sleep...

Early in the morning, Xiao Tang drove Su Ruo to the hospital, had blood tests, CT...everything was done.

Then Xiao Tang took Su Ruo to pick up a well-known Chinese medicine doctor, and Xiao Tang stayed with Su Ruo all the time.

The doctor took Su Ruo's pulse, and he took it for a long time, which made both Xiao Tang and Su Ruo a little nervous.

"Doctor, what's the matter?" Xiao Tang couldn't bear it anymore, it must have been too long, and he deliberately tormented others.

The Chinese doctor smiled, then withdrew his hand, and said to Xiao Tang in a calm and polite manner: "Mr. Xiao, Mrs. Xiao, congratulations on the new baby, Mrs. Zun is pregnant, more than half a month away!"

Xiao Tang was stunned, and Su Ruo was also stunned, both of them were surprised and did not recover.

The doctor sat aside calmly and smiled, waiting for them to come back to their senses.

"Doctor, you said my wife is pregnant?" Xiao Tang came back to his senses, and said very excitedly, he just missed grabbing the doctor's neckline!
The Chinese doctor smiled and nodded. He had seen such scenes too many times. Young couples all looked ecstatic when they heard the news of their pregnancy, except for a few who didn't want children.

(End of this chapter)

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