Remarry my wife

Chapter 188 Singing a Love Song for You

Chapter 188 Singing a Love Song for You (3)

He is a hardworking and persistent person, he will definitely get what he believes in, no matter how much he continues to give, he will not frown!Effort may not necessarily succeed, but you will never succeed if you don't work hard.

Su Ruo has been listening quietly, the hall is very big, and in the dead of night, the sound of the piano and Xiao Tang's singing has been surrounding the hall, the sound has spread far, and some servants who haven't slept have been swayed by the singing I was attracted, the main reason is not how good the singing is, but the emotions contained in the singing!

After playing a song several times, Su Ruo didn't say anything, just listened quietly, and Xiao Tang surrounded himself over and over again, so he stopped playing.

The sound of the piano stopped abruptly, and Su Ruo regained consciousness.

"Ruoruo, is it okay?" Xiao Tang was a little embarrassed. It was the first time he sang such an affectionate love song, so it was really embarrassing.He found that many of his first times were on Su Ruo, the first time he confessed to a woman, the first time he fed a woman, the first time he sang love songs... Many first times were dedicated to Su Ruo, no wonder He fell so deep!

"Not bad." Su Ruo said sincerely, although the piano fingerings are not right, but it is not easy for a novice to play like this!Worked hard!

When Su Ruo said that, Xiao Tang's face turned red.

"Didn't you say there are for the children?" Su Ruo asked, she didn't want to sleep at all during the long night, she had nothing to do, listening to Xiao Tang playing the piano and singing was also good.

"I can only sing this, but I can't play it, my wife, can you play it and I will sing it?" Xiao Tang said cunningly, but it is true that he can't, and he also spent a lot of effort to remember the song just now .

Su Ruo frowned slightly, seeing Xiao Tang's begging expression, she thought about it, and finally walked over.

The chair was very long, Xiao Tang moved it to the side and let Su Ruo sit in front of the piano.

"You play "Lullaby" and I'll sing it!" Xiao Tang put his arms around Su Ruo's waist.

For Xiao Tang's intimacy, Su Ruowei is a little unaccustomed to it, and wants to let his hand go, but he holds on firmly!

Su Ruo was a little helpless, so she had no choice but to concentrate on playing the piano. Whenever she felt uncomfortable, she would come to play the piano as a means of venting.

(End of this chapter)

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