Remarry my wife

Chapter 204 Catching Silver Teeth Alive

Chapter 204 Catching Silver Teeth Alive (4)

Xiao Tang was fascinated by Su Ruo's smile. The more he looked at Su Ruo, the more beautiful he felt, and the more he fell in love with him. It's over, he must be hopeless, he's been poisoned by the poison of love!

"Wife, I really want to kiss you now, can I?" Xiao Tang had just finished speaking, before waiting for Su Ruo's response, he stretched out his hand to hold Su Ruo's face, and then kissed Su Ruo's tenderly. delicate lips...

This time, Su Ruo blushed completely. It was too embarrassing to do these things early in the morning. She didn't think of struggling until Xiao Tang finished kissing her.

She was a little depressed, it must be because the atmosphere just now was so good that she lost her resistance, and Xiao Tang succeeded so easily. Looking at Xiao Tang's wicked smile, Su Ruo was like a girl who just fell in love, red I don't dare to look at Xiao Tang again...

But Xiao Tang hugged her in his arms, and the two of them looked at the flying leaves outside the window...

The scene of upstairs and downstairs looking at each other finally evolved into today's scene of watching fallen leaves together. This time, watching fallen leaves no longer feels so depressing, but a little more romantic.

Love, it turns out that it can change so many things, it's really amazing!

Shortly after noon, there was a knock on the door of the ward.

Xiao Tang and Su Ruo were studying the parenting manual in their hands. Seeing being disturbed, Xiao Tang raised his eyebrows. He asked someone to guard him not far away. People who are not close to him are generally not allowed to approach. Could it be that Pan Ziyuan and the others came to see him? And Su Ruo.

Xiao Tang got up and opened the door. When he saw Qiu Hong and Gu Li's mother and son standing outside the door, he was slightly taken aback, feeling displeased and blaming his subordinates for their negligence, but still had a smile on his face.

"Third Sister..." As soon as Haohao saw Su Ruo sitting on the hospital bed, he broke free from his mother's hand and rushed towards Su Ruo.

Xiao Tong took a look, afraid that Su Hao would rush over without thinking and run into Su Ruo, so he walked forward quickly without thinking about it, and hugged Su Hao.

"Hey, Uncle, why are you hugging me? I want to hug Third Sister." Su Hao had a cute smile on his face, but was hugged by Xiao Tang, and he looked at Xiao Tang with an inexplicable expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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