Remarry my wife

Chapter 206 Catching Silver Teeth Alive

Chapter 206 Catching Silver Teeth Alive (6)

"What are you laughing at? I'm very serious, so baby, if you are a girl, you will have a little brother like me." Su Hao said to Su Ruo's stomach.

"Haohao, when you grow up, you will understand why everyone laughs at you." Su Ruo stretched out her hand and stroked Su Hao's soft hair. From now on, her child will be as cute as Su Hao, and she will be very satisfied.

"Ruoruo, mom and Haohao's mother boiled some tonic soup for you, and I'll serve you a bowl. Drinking more is good for your health, and the child will be fat and fat in the future." Su Ruo is pregnant, except for Xiao Tangzhi. In addition, the happiest thing is Qiu Hong. Her daughter is pregnant, and she will not just talk about divorce in the future. As long as her daughter consolidates her position in the Xiao family, she will also have a particularly long face in the Su family. With a son-in-law as powerful as Xiao Tang, even the old man dare not show embarrassment to Xiao Tang. Who would dare to show embarrassment to her? No one can shake her position as the second wife of the Su family.

"Eat more fruits, vegetables, and protein. You are so thin, so you must supplement it." Gu Li also said beside her. She admires Su Ruo very much now, really!

Seeing Qiu Hong filling a bowl of soup, Xiao Tang hurried up: "Mother-in-law, let me feed Ruoruo."

Qiu Hong smiled and handed the bowl to Xiao Tang, with an uncontrollable smile on her face.

"Ah Tang, you are so kind and caring to Ruoruo!" Even Gu Li praised her.

"Who is better if you don't treat your wife well." Xiao Tang smiled, then sat by the bed with a bowl in his hand, ready to feed Su Ruo.

Su Ruo is very embarrassed, although Xiao Tang feeds herself every now and then, but in front of everyone, she is very embarrassed.

"Sister San, you are blushing." Su Hao looked at Su Ruo and said loudly.

Su Ruo was even more embarrassed, it was fine if Haohao didn't say anything, the more he talked, the more blushed he became.

"You two are so shy!" Gu Li laughed.

"If Ruoruo is thin-skinned, I can't even pierce my bullets." Xiao Tang joked beside him. He tried a sip of the tonic soup first, and then fed Su Ruo when he saw that the temperature was moderate.

Seeing that Xiao Tang insisted on feeding herself, she half-pushed and drank it.

"Ruo Ruo, from now on, mother will send you tonic soup every day, and I will give birth to a white and fat son!" Qiu Hong looked beside her happily, how good it is now!It's really good!
(End of this chapter)

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