Remarry my wife

Chapter 208 Catching Silver Teeth Alive

Chapter 208 Catching Silver Teeth Alive (8)

As soon as Xiao Tang returned to Xiao's house, before the chair was warmed up, he saw his subordinates coming to look for him.

He looked at Su Ruo who was seriously reading the book, and he got up and walked to her side: "Honey, I have something to do in the company, I'll go first, you read the book and go to bed early, if you have anything to do, ring the bell to call the servant All right, don't do it yourself."

Su Ruo nodded and said softly: Go early and return early.

When Xiao Tang heard it, he felt very happy. Now that Su Ruo can start to care about himself, it is really a good sign.

Kissed Su Ruo, and then went out of the room.

He went to the side study with his men and closed the door to talk.

His subordinate used to be a detective from the police station. Later, he spent a lot of money to hire him to do things for him. He has always been his right-hand man.

"Ahao, is there any news?" Xiao Tang sat on the leather chair and asked with a frown.

The detective named Ah Hao nodded, and then gave Xiao Tang a big envelope.

Xiao Tang opened the envelope, and there were a bunch of photos inside, all of which were recent photos of Yin Ya.

"This silver tooth is very cunning, I caught him many times and made him run away, and he even said harsh words." Speaking of silver tooth, Ah Hao frowned, never seen such a cunning underworld.

"What cruel words?" Xiao Tang asked while quickly looking at the photo.

"It's the usual ones, saying that if you continue to send people to arrest him, he will make you regret it." Ahao has been with Xiao Tang for many years, and Xiao Tang doesn't really regard him as a subordinate, but more as a friend , so Ah Hao talked a lot more casually.

"Regret? What does he have to make me regret." Xiao Tang sneered.

"Hehe...Give me a few days, and I will definitely catch that bastard." Ahao said seriously.

"Well, don't let me down. You used to be very efficient. It's been more than half a month this time, and I haven't solved the problem yet. I'm a little dissatisfied." Xiao Tang frowned, and the shopping mall was like a battlefield. It's not as simple as business dealings. Someone covets his property, fame and fortune at any time. He is attacked or assassinated not once or twice. He needs people like Ah Hao and his subordinates to protect him.

"Don't worry, I will definitely do a good job, wait for my news." Ah Hao said confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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