Remarry my wife

Chapter 220: A Floating Life Like a Dream

Chapter 220: A Floating Life Like a Dream (2)

"It's so sour, did the chef knock over the vinegar bottle?" Seeing Su Ruo smiling, Xiao Tong was also happy. He rarely saw Su Ruo smiling, and he was really afraid that she would suffer from some kind of prenatal depression. What, so I can only let Chen Xiaoyan and others come to accompany Su Ruo when they are free. Recently, I have no time, and I am really worried about her. Every day when I work, I spend most of my time thinking about her. The efficient workaholics are gone, and the only thing left is the kid who is always in a trance as if he just fell in love.

"Then let the chef serve the dishes again." Su Ruo suggested.

Xiao Tang nodded and asked the chef to serve the dishes, but he didn't eat now, so he kept watching Su Ruo eat.

Su Ruo eats in small bites, basically does not speak when eating, and the dishes and chopsticks never make a sound. She is a very educated woman. Watching her eat is like watching a performance. It is very pleasing to the eye, unlike some women who eat now. He was afraid of the vulgar look after seeing it several times. It sounds bold at best, and uneducated at worst. Look at his wife, she is really a treasure, no one can compare to it.

"Can you stop staring at others eating, it's impolite." Su Ruo felt uncomfortable while eating because Xiao Tang stared blankly at him, how could anyone look like this.

"Honey, the way you eat is so beautiful, I can't take my eyes away." Xiao Tang smiled, he rarely spoke sweet words, but after he found out that he fell in love with Su Ruo, every time he said something like this, sometimes Sometimes even he himself felt nauseous, but he really couldn't help saying what he said, all of which were his sincere words.

Su Ruo blamed him a bit at first, but felt embarrassed after hearing what he said. This man has returned to his previous appearance today, with sweet words on his lips every day. I don't know where he learned it. Although he is a man Sweet talk is not to be listened to, but as long as it is a woman, there is really no way to stop it. People are a little bit vain in their hearts, and Su Ruo is no exception. After hearing Xiao Tang's words, she only feels sweet in her heart. , There is an indescribable feeling. . . .

"Honey, why do you think I love you so much?" Looking at Su Ruo's blushing face, Xiao Tang said softly,
(End of this chapter)

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