Remarry my wife

Chapter 227 Lost and Gained

Chapter 227 Lost and Gained (1)

Xiao Tang quickly carried Su Ruo, who was crying before, back to the car.

"You know, don't you?" Su Ruo just shed tears, but didn't cry out, she looked at Xiao Tang tearfully.

Xiao Tang nodded, with uncontrollable grief and anger on his face, he didn't blame Su Ruo for having sex with other men at all, he knew she was forced, he only blamed himself for being incompetent, let this matter It got worse and worse. He hated the person who leaked the photos to the bone. If he found him, he would cut that person to pieces. The family that was established with great difficulty will be swayed in the wind and rain again.

"Su Ruo, I know you were forced, I won't take this matter to heart, so don't take it to heart, just treat it as a dream, a nightmare, okay?" Xiao Tang stretched out The powerful big hands gently wiped away the tears on Su Ruo's face over and over again, and Su Ruo's tears seemed to flow endlessly, Xiao Tang still helped her wipe them tirelessly.

"I..." Su Ruo was crying so hard that she was speechless. She is such a self-loving person, but she actually had a relationship with Zheng Yuan like that. She would feel dirty. The most terrifying thing is that she and Zheng Yuan The dirty thing she did was placed in front of people, and everyone was allowed to see her unclean appearance. As long as she thought of this, her heart would break down a bit. Women care about this kind of thing very much. She is even worse.

"Hey, don't cry, this is over, let's stop thinking about it, I will let those bastards accept the punishment they deserve, now let's pretend that nothing happened, and go to the island tomorrow, let's start our A new life for you, okay?" Seeing Su Ruo crying into tears, Xiao Tang's heart has been pinched, which bastard it is, he must let him die without a place to bury him!

Pulled into Xiao Tong's arms, Su Ruo kept holding him tightly, leaned her face on his chest, and then burst into tears. This kind of thing was really beyond what she could bear, Su Ruo In fact, she is a very traditional woman, no matter how Xiao Tang treated her before, she would never cheat, because she thought it was dirty.

"Good boy, after crying, everything will be fine." Xiao Tang sighed slightly, hugged Su Ruo tightly,
(End of this chapter)

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