Remarry my wife

Chapter 232 Lost and Gained

Chapter 232 Lost and Gained (6)

"Okay, then remember to redeem the wedding ring tomorrow." Seeing that Xiao Tang would not give the money to herself, Su Ruo had no choice but to be helpless.

"Yes, I will wait for your husband to rest today, and I will redeem it for you tomorrow."


The two chatted for a few more words, and after a while, they heard Xiao Tang's slight snoring.

Su Ruo turned her head after a while and looked at Xiao Tang closely. There was a faint smile on his handsome face, and a tired look on his face. Now she finally understood that this man would actually be tired too. In the past, all she saw was his domineering and unruly affection, that kind of pride that no one can match, but recently she saw his tired look. It turns out that no matter how strong people are, they will be tired, but they are trusting the one they love deeply. Only then will the vulnerable side be exposed in front of you.

Reaching out his hand to gently touch Xiao Tang's face, he remembered how much pressure he had to bear when it happened recently!She really hoped that this matter would pass quickly, and she begged God in her heart to let the child in her belly be Xiao Tang's.

In fact, she also had the same thoughts as Xiao Tang for a moment, whether she should kill the child, but how could she have the heart to kill the child who had been more than a month old, every life has the right to live, she is a child How could she kill her own child with her own hands!

No matter who the child is in the future, she will definitely let the child be born safely, and she will provoke the responsibility of being a mother!
Touching her belly, Su Ruo said in her heart: Son, no matter who your father is, I will always be your mother, and I will always love you!
Xiao Tang slept soundly, Su Ruo didn't feel sleepy after sleeping for so long, carefully took Xiao Tang's hand on her waist, she got up, put on some clothes, and went to the hall.

The large crystal chandelier on the ceiling of the hall shone brightly. She walked down the spiral staircase slowly, and then came to the piano, and gently stroked the familiar black and white keys with her hands. There was a ripple in her heart, and she gently Sitting down, her white hands danced on the black and white keys, and she wrote the current mood with the sound of the piano.

The melodious sound of the piano echoed everywhere in Xiao's house, and Xiao Tang on the bed felt the beautiful melody in his dream, and the corners of his mouth slowly rose...

Outside the window, it's mid-moon.

(End of this chapter)

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