Remarry my wife

Chapter 241 Unexpected

Chapter 241 Unexpected (2)

"Yes, our wife is beautiful and kind. Everyone likes her very much. You will know after getting along with your wife. No one has ever said that our wife is having a hard time. The young master holds her in his hands and loves her. , By the way, our wife is still pregnant." Xiaofeng introduced warmly.

"What about your young master?"

"Our young master is amazing. Does R city know? He is the richest man in R city. He bought this island himself. The young master is my idol."

"It seems that you are very proud of doing things here?" The girl smiled, with a few hints of sarcasm on her face.

Xiaofeng said in a fluttering manner, where to observe the girl's expression, he nodded and smiled innocently: "Working in Xiao's family is a blessing."

"I'm tired, can you take me there quickly." The girl had a tired look on her face, and it was really no one who had been soaking in the sea for so long.

"Okay, okay, I'll ask Xiaoyu to get you a suit later." Xiaofeng quickened his pace when he heard this.

When passing by the master bedroom, the servant in the master bedroom was cleaning the room, the door was not closed, the girl stopped in front of the door, she looked at the room in surprise, she was stunned by the dress inside , She has never seen such a beautiful room before, she walked into the room involuntarily.

"Stop quickly, you can't enter this room without the young master's consent, otherwise the young master will punish you." Xiaofeng hurried up to grab the girl.

The girl broke free from Xiaofeng's hand, and quickly ran to the room. When she came to the huge princess bed, she looked surprised. It was such a beautiful place. The princess bed was just like the ones seen in fairy tales. No wonder she felt the palace when she woke up. Looking at the bed, it should be very soft. In Xiaofeng's exclamation, she fell on the princess bed at once, and then happily rolled back and forth on the princess bed, screaming A series of clear and crisp laughter stunned Xiao Feng and the cleaning maid, who had never seen such a presumptuous person.

"You're getting up soon. If you let the young master know, you'll be finished." Xiaofeng wanted to go up to pull the girl, but unfortunately the bed was too big and it was in the middle. Said.

(End of this chapter)

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