Remarry my wife

Chapter 247 She is a killer

Chapter 247 She is a killer (5)

"Sister Su, I'm sorry." Chao Su Ruo stuck out her tongue, and Xiang Ming happily went to get the bread, as playful and cute as a little girl who hasn't grown up.

Su Ruo nodded, watching Xiang Ming eat with relish.

Xiao Tang on the side snorted softly, it was really disappointing, the sweet world of two people has become a three-person one, this little light bulb is too annoying, especially seeing that Su Ruo has been looking at her and ignoring him, he is even more so. I'm not happy anymore.

Hurry up when the weather clears up and send her away!
Xiang Ming was in a hurry to eat, and accidentally choked on it.

Seeing Xiang Ming coughing like this, Xiao Tang had no choice but to give her a glass of milk.

Seeing her gulp down a few times, Xiao Tang was a little puzzled.

"Brother Xiao, thank you for your milk." Xiang Ming hiccupped and smiled innocently.

Seeing Xiang Ming's naive look, Su Ruo's love for this girl grew even more.

Xiao Tang just nodded slightly, then ate his own breakfast, and whispered affectionately to Su Ruo next to him from time to time.

"Don't be like this, Xiaoming is here." Su Ruo was a little embarrassed, seeing that Xiaoming was still a girl, she always felt a little unsuitable for children.

"What's the matter, we are husband and wife." Xiao Tang felt unhappy, the harmonious atmosphere just now was broken by Xiao Ming's appearance, his wife was too embarrassed to make out with him, it really pissed him off.

"Xiaoming is still young, she will lead bad children." Su Ruo said softly.

Xiao Tang bit his lips in dissatisfaction, his good appetite was lost just like that, next time he must ask someone to set up a table for Xiao Ming to eat alone, so as not to disturb his two-person world.

Xiang Ming was eating happily beside her, but she didn't care what Xiao Tang was thinking at the moment.

A very dissatisfied breakfast for Xiao Tang was spent in such an atmosphere.

When breakfast was about to end, Xiang Ming said: "Sister Su, as soon as I hear the sound of the piano, I feel something in my mind, can you let me play the piano too, I think I will, maybe it can remind me of something. "

Seeing what Xiang Ming said, Su Ruo naturally would not refuse.

There is only one piano in the master bedroom in the villa, and if you want to play it, you can only go to the master bedroom.

Xiao Tang also wanted to have a good time with Su Ruo in the room, why did this dead girl want to intervene again!

(End of this chapter)

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