Remarry my wife

Chapter 249 Another one

Chapter 249 Another One (2)

Xiang Ming was taken aback by being picked up, and she looked at Xiao Tang in panic: "What... what's wrong? Brother Xiao."

"How do you know this piece?" Zheng Yuan has played it in public, but only in the upper class, so how did this girl know?Does she have anything to do with Zheng Yuan?
"Quickly tell me, what's your relationship with Zheng Yuan?" Xiao Tang got angry, regardless of whether it was a girl or someone else, he was equally blunt.

"I...I don't know who that person you are talking about...I just...flicked through this...thing in my mind..." Xiang Ming was so frightened that his voice choked up.

"Husband, don't do this." Although hearing this song, she also recalled the unpleasant past, but she was not as excited as Xiao Tang. Maybe Xiao Ming had heard it somewhere, after all, this song is really good, maybe It spread at that reception!
"Brother Xiao..." Xiang Ming yelled pitifully in a low voice, with horror in his big eyes.
Xiao Tang tried his best to suppress his anger, now he is very sensitive to this, it's okay if he doesn't hear it, but when he hears it, he feels uncomfortable, under Su Ruo's persuasion, he let go of Xiang Ming, snorted coldly With a sound.

"Xiao Ming, you go back to the guest room to rest first!" Seeing that Xiao Tang's rage still persisted, he hurriedly told her to go back first for fear of hurting Xiao Ming.

With tears in his eyes, Xiang Ming nodded, then turned and ran away...

After leaving the room, Xiang Ming showed an imperceptible smile on his face, and then strode away. The effect of today's mission has been achieved.

in the room.

"Husband, don't be angry, it's just a tune." Su Ruo comforted, she didn't want to let herself think about the past, but she could see that Xiao Tang didn't let go at all, otherwise the reaction wouldn't be so intense .

"I'm sorry, wife, I lost my temper just now." After taking a few deep breaths, Xiao Tang looked at Su Ruo apologetically.

"It's okay, just apologize to Xiaoming later."

"There's nothing to apologize for. Maybe he was sent by Zheng Yuan or something. I'll send her away when the sky clears." Xiao Tang thought for a while and said, he had to think about it.

"Husband, you are so sensitive. Xiao Ming just came to our island in a shipwreck. How can you associate her with Zheng Yuan?"

(End of this chapter)

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