Remarry my wife

Chapter 266 Because of too much love

Chapter 266 Because of too much love (2)

The ability to distinguish right from wrong is poor. In the past, Xiao Tang was blocking her, so she would not be hurt. Now that she has left Xiao Tang, she really understands that she is more and more dependent on him. If there is no him, then she will What will happen?
"I'm sorry, Ruoruo, I just..." Seeing Su Ruo frowning tightly, Zheng Yuan felt very uncomfortable. He knew that Su Ruo would definitely hate him if he took Su Ruo away, but he really missed her. Fortunately, Xiang Yang knew about Su Jiao's plot, otherwise he really didn't know what the consequences would be?Seeing that she is safe and sound now, even if she blames him, he can only ignore her, for love he will give everything!
Both Zheng Yuan and Xiang Yang said he was stupid, and he thought about it, but love is something that people can't help themselves, and he doesn't want to do that, such hobbies are tiring, but he really can't help himself.

Hearing Zheng Yuan's repeated apologies, Su Ruo frowned and looked at Zheng Yuan. Zheng Yuan was much thinner than what she saw more than half a month ago. They are all slightly carrying vicissitudes, this appearance really makes my heart ache, good people don't know how to become so sick!
Thinking of what Xiang Yang said to himself, that Zheng Yuan was seriously ill, he really didn't lie to him.

"Ruoruo, that time in the hotel, I was..." Zheng Yuan wanted to explain.

"Don't talk about it, that's all in the past." Seeing that Zheng Yuan wanted to talk about the incident at the hotel that day, she roared excitedly, she hates hearing about that day very much now, can't she just let it pass and never bring it up again? ?

"Okay, don't say..." Zheng Yuan was a little anxious, and he wanted to say something, but a cough made him a little out of breath.

Maybe Zheng Yuan's coughing alarmed the people outside, Xiang Yang hurried in, seeing Zheng Yuan coughing like this, he hurriedly helped him back.

Su Ruo looked at the two people in front of her. Seeing Zheng Yuan like this, Su Ruo felt uncomfortable. After all, Zheng Yuan saved her now.

"I'm fine, I still have something to talk to Ruoruo, can you..." The coughing stopped, Zheng Yuan looked up at Xiang Yang.

Xiang Yang frowned, looked at him and nodded, and then looked at Su Ruo: "A Yuan can't be too excited now, it's not good for your health, so you..."

(End of this chapter)

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