Remarry my wife

Chapter 268 Love Fool

Chapter 268 Love Fool (1)

Su Ruo fell asleep very late and had a nightmare for the whole night. When she woke up, she was sweating profusely.

There was a person sitting in front of her when she opened her eyes, which shocked her a lot. When she took a closer look, it was Zheng Yuan again, but he seemed to be in a trance, his eyes were blank, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Su Ruo wiped the sweat from her forehead, she only knew that she had a nightmare, but she couldn't remember the details of the dream, and when she couldn't, she stopped thinking about it.

She is restless now, not in the mood to think at all.

"Ruoruo..." Zheng Yuan didn't know when he came back to his senses, and when he saw Su Ruo woke up, he hurriedly called out.

"What time is it?" Su Ruo really doesn't like Zheng Yuan's way of walking in to watch her sleep without even saying hello, which makes her feel uncomfortable, but this is Zheng Yuan's place, even if she said it, He may not be able to do it.

"It's almost noon, and I called for a long time in the morning, but I didn't see you answering the door. I was worried, so I came in to have a look. I hope you don't mind." Zheng Yuan's face was apologetic. Today's Zheng Yuan looks worse than yesterday. With more energy, there is also a little blood on his face.

"I went to bed so early." Su Ruo said as she got out of bed.

She walked to the window, opened the curtains, and was blinded by the sunlight outside the window. The dark clouds had dispersed and it was a sunny day.

Looking at the sea reflecting the light outside the window, it took Su Ruo a while to get used to the brightness in front of her eyes. There were big colorful sun umbrellas and deck chairs on the seashore, and many people were playing, and the joyous and playful laughter spread all the time. come over.

"This island is different from Xiao Tang's. There are many original residents living here. They are very hospitable. When I chose to build a villa here, I was infected by their happiness and gave me a lot of inspiration. "Zheng Yuan explained carefully behind him.

No wonder, compared to Xiao Tang's private island, this place is indeed much more lively.

Sunshine makes people feel at ease, dispelling a lot of haze in Su Ruo's heart.

"I don't know what's wrong with Ah Tang?" Looking at the bustling scene outside, Su Ruo thought of Xiao Tang, and her heart was covered with another layer of sadness.

(End of this chapter)

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