Chapter 28

Sometimes he doesn't listen hard enough to miss it easily. He doesn't know whether it's because of the alcohol or because she is such a woman in essence. Now the woman he sees is not the one she just met when he got married!
"I'll be dusty for you and the Xiao family? Then have you ever thought about me? I'm your wife. If you just want to cheat, can you stop in front of me? I'm also a human being with feelings. You like that Do it, have you ever thought about me?" Hearing what Xiao Tang said, under the urging of alcohol, Su Ruo finally got angry, and the fire was very violent, she almost finished yelling at Xiao Tang, the grievance in her heart was at this moment All broke out and burst into tears.

Listening to Su Ruo crying and complaining, Xiao Tang frowned tightly. Facing her tearful eyes, he actually felt a trace of guilt in his heart, but he and her had no relationship in the first place, and it was a political marriage, everyone should know that , such a marriage relationship is dispensable, so why bother to blame like this, looking at this circle, which man is absolutely infatuated, unless he really meets true love, or is a fool!

"What? You won't answer? Since you can steal food outside, are you not allowed to dance in nightclubs?" Su Ruo laughed, cried and laughed, what is the most painful feeling?Just crying and laughing, she gave up, completely gave up.

"But you are a woman, you are a dignified woman!" Xiao Tang didn't want to be overwhelmed by the woman, he shouted loudly!In his masculinity, no women are dominant. This society is inherently unfair, and the same is true for men and women. Men can steal sex outside, but women absolutely cannot. This is the tragedy of this society now. It is normal for men to steal sex. , a woman stealing sex is a **** slut!

"Yes, I am a woman, and I am also a woman with feelings. We are in a political marriage. If you ask for a divorce, you won't do it. Then let's separate. After two years of separation, I will file for divorce. Starting today Goodbye!" Su Ruo shook off Xiao Tang's hand, and she struggled to climb up the bath, wet from head to toe, her hair was dripping, and she was in a mess.

"Su Ruo, stop!" Seeing Su Ruo walking out without looking back, Xiao Tang was completely irritated by her indifference, listening to what she said was simply infuriating!
(End of this chapter)

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