Remarry my wife

Chapter 286 Mother-in-law is here

Chapter 286 Mother-in-law is here (5)

He saw a girl next to his mother, and he frowned slightly. The girl was adopted by her mother a few years ago, and she was named Chen Zi after her mother's surname. A few years ago, she was still a young girl. , and now she is a slim girl. After getting along for a while, I liked to cling to him very much at that time. Now that I haven't seen her for several years, he can't recognize her at all. She has beautiful features, tall figure, and It's really hard to imagine!

Chen Zi saw Xiao Tang at a glance, she was surprised, and quickly ran towards Xiao Tang, just like a few years ago, gave Xiao Tang a big hug, and then said happily: "Brother Ah Tang, I I miss you so much, I really miss you to death."

Seeing Chen Zi hugging him so intimately, Xiao Tang was a little embarrassed. Now Chen Zi is no longer what she used to be, she has grown up, and now his wife is still beside him, which makes him even more uncomfortable. After all, Chen Zi Zi has no blood relationship with him at all.

Standing by the side, Su Ruo frowned slightly, but she soon felt relieved. She had heard Xiao Tang mention that this girl was his god-sister, adopted by his mother, and her name was Chen Zi. Looking at it now, she was really very cute. She is pretty and pretty, but as long as she is a woman, she still feels a little uncomfortable when she sees her being so intimate with her husband, but she also wants to laugh when she sees her husband being held so stiffly by her.

When Xiao Tang and Chen Zi embraced, his elegant mother had already walked in front of them.

When Su Ruo looked at such a young mother-in-law, she was a little surprised. Seeing that she had put down her sunglasses and looked cold, she really looked exactly like Xiao Tang, which put her under too much pressure.

"Mother-in-law." Su Ruo cheered herself up in her heart, and called softly.

Chen Zihan looked at the daughter-in-law who hadn't met formally in front of her. At first glance, she was pretty good, with temperament and well-dressed. She could barely see it, but this look was a little too soft, and the others were fine, so she didn't What to say, slightly nodded to Su Ruo.

"Xiao Zi, how decent is it in the public." Seeing that Chen Zi had been hugging Xiao Tang, Chen Zihan said with a frown.

Upon hearing this, Chen Zi quickly let go of Xiao Tang.

"Mom." Xiao Tang called out.

(End of this chapter)

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