Remarry my wife

Chapter 288 Mother-in-law is here

Chapter 288 Mother-in-law is here (7)

"Not bad." Chen Zihan said aloud, and put the tea on the coffee table.

"Ma'am, I'm so glad you're back." The butler said happily.

"It's been more than a year." Chen Zihan gave a rare smile, and then looked at the three people standing opposite him. After looking at them one by one, she finally put her eyes on Su Ruo. She looked at Su Ruo for a long time, so long that even Su Ruo After fidgeting, Chen Zihan said: "Su Ruo, isn't it, after having Ah Tang's child, you have to be more careful, and hope to have a son."

"Both boys and girls are the same, hehe..." Xiao Tang took over.
When Chen Zihan heard this, he frowned, and then glanced at Xiao Tang, the smile on Xiao Tang's face froze, his mother liked it when he was young, unexpectedly, no matter how strong he is, he still has influence !

"I will be careful." Although the mother-in-law emphasized that she must have a son, which made Su Ruo a little unhappy, she still accepted it softly.

"That's good. Xiaozi and I are going to stay at Xiao's house for a few more months, and then go abroad after your child is born." Chen Zihan announced.

When Xiao Tang heard this, he frowned slightly, he didn't expect to stay for so long, it was really troublesome!

Su Ruo didn't know what to say, so she just kept smiling.

"I'm tired. The housekeeper will take me back to my room to rest." Chen Zihan saw that everyone was silent, and she was also tired. It's really uncomfortable to be an airplane at such an old age.

"Mom, I want to talk to Brother Ah Tang." Chen Zi is very excited now. She hasn't seen Xiao Tang for several years. She never thought that he is getting more and more handsome and calm. She likes it so much. She seems to be staying in Be by his side and chat with him.

"Well, you brothers and sisters should get in touch more. After all, we haven't seen each other for so many years." Chen Zihan agreed.

Chen Zi was overjoyed, she held Xiao Tang's arm all the time, her eyes were smiling like crescent moons.

Su Ruo got up and watched Chen Zihan leave. She was such an indifferent person. She didn't know how to get along with her anymore. She said that the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is the most difficult to deal with, and it really is!

Looking back at Xiao Tang, he was being entangled by the excited Chen Zi, Xiao Tang looked at her helplessly, he didn't know how to tell Chen Zi, it didn't matter to him when he was young, but now he can't !

(End of this chapter)

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