Remarry my wife

Chapter 290 Brother and Sister Brother and Sister

Chapter 290 Brother and Sister Brother and Sister (2)

Xiao Tang leaned on Su Ruo's neck and took a deep breath, he was really obsessed with the deodorant on Su Ruo's body.

"It's serious, it's so itchy." Seeing that Xiao Tang sprayed all the hot air on her neck, Su Ruo was afraid of itching, and her entire neck shrank together.

"My mother is like this, don't be unhappy, don't worry about uncomfortable things in your heart, it will be boring." Xiao Tang hugged Su Ruo and shouted softly, he was afraid that Su Ruo would keep things in his heart and not say anything, So he will worry.

"How could it be? Granny is so young and well maintained." Su Ruo shook her head and said.

" will be younger than her in the future, darling, are you tired, go to rest first, and call you at dinner time."

"Okay, take Xiaozi out for a stroll when you have time, girls like these." If Su Ruo wants to be a good sister-in-law, she will treat Xiao tang well, so she will be more generous, Chen Zi likes it Sticking to Xiao Tang, that's because they are brothers and sisters who haven't seen each other for a long time.

"I know, don't girls have a lot of things to tidy up, so I'll see my wife is asleep first, and then go to accompany Xiaozi." Xiao Tang hugged Su Ruo and walked to the bed.

As soon as the two got into bed, what Su Ruo expected happened, Xiao Tang pestered her again and refused to leave, the two became intimate again, Xiao Tang had no intention of leaving at all.

Su Ruo pushed several times before pushing away the restless Xiao Tang: "Honey, don't do this in broad daylight, I'm really tired."

"Okay, wife, you can rest." Although I feel a little disappointed, but their days are long, and there is more time for intimacy, so there is no rush.

Su Ruo closed her eyes and was about to go to sleep, Xiao Tang supported her head and looked at her, playing with her hair with his hands all the time.

If Su was really tired, he fell into a deep sleep not long after.
Hearing Su Ruo's little snoring, Xiao Tang smiled helplessly, kissed her on the face, and said dotingly: "What a little pig, so good at sleeping."

After a few more glances, Xiao Tang stood up, and just as he was arranging his clothes, there was a knock on the door.

Xiao Tang went to open the door, and saw Chen Zi with a smile on her face.

"Brother Ah Tang, is sister-in-law asleep?" Chen Zi said loudly, her voice clear and clear.

(End of this chapter)

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