Remarry my wife

Chapter 292 Just Brothers and Sisters

Chapter 292 Just Brothers and Sisters (1)

"Thank you so much, Xiaozi will always be with you and mother from now on." Chen Zi said with a firm face, she would spend the rest of her life with Xiao Tang and her mother.

"Silly girl, you're going to get married in the future." Xiao Tang smiled, and wanted to touch her head like he did a few years ago, but his outstretched hand stopped halfway, and now Chen Zi is already a big girl , he can no longer do such an intimate action.

"I don't want to get married, I want to be with you and mother." Chen Zi shook her head, she only wanted to be with Xiao Tang forever, even if it was just to be his sister.

" won't think so in the future, find a husband who loves you, and live a happy life." Xiao Tang smiled, he thought about a happy life with Su Ruo, what a wonderful thing it is to get married , I really don't understand why those people say that marriage is a tomb.

"Brother Ah Tong, isn't it enough for you to love me?" Chen Zi's eyes were smiling like a crescent moon, which made people like it.

"My future husband's love is different from that of your future husband."

"Brother Ah Tang, is it okay not to talk about this?" Chen Zi pouted, since she turned 20 years old, Chen Zihan also came to ask this question, and wanted to find a man to marry and live with them. I like it, now I feel disgusted when I hear the topic of getting married, and what Xiao Tong said, she actually wants to say that Xiao Tang's love is the same as her future husband's love.

"Little girl, are you shy?" Xiao Tang couldn't help raising the corner of his mouth, walked to the living room, and sat on the sofa.

"I don't have any, I just don't want to keep talking about this problem." Chen Zi pouted, sat down along Xiao Tang, and then leaned her head slightly on Xiao Tang's shoulder.

Xiao Tang frowned, Chen Zi's actions are a bit too intimate now, he wanted to push her away, but she pushed her closer and closer, which made him a little helpless, why is he still like a child!

"Has Mom been asking you this question all the time?"

"Yeah, my mother has been asking me to find a man to marry and live with her. I really don't understand why she didn't come back directly. Didn't she have you and sister-in-law?" Chen Zi really didn't understand, Chen Zihan obviously wanted to come back, But no matter what she said, she shook her head. If it hadn't been for the news that Xiao Tang was injured and Su Ruo was pregnant, Chen Zihan might not have come back.

(End of this chapter)

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