Remarry my wife

Chapter 312 His Mother

Chapter 312 His Mother (1)

"I didn't say anything!" Xiao Tang raised his eyebrows, and then looked at Su Ruo with pity on his face: "Okay, rest, I'm calling you during dinner, don't think too much."

"Okay, if you are free, go and spend more time with Xiaozi, understand?" Su Ruo nodded and lay down.

Xiao Tang gave a little grace, his silly wife, why is she so unresponsive, he is a little worried about what Chen Zi will do to her now, if only his wife could not be so kind and innocent , No, isn't it his wife that he likes? If she is not kind and smart, he will be too stressed. Women are sometimes too strong and make men uncomfortable. It is enough for Su Ruo to do everything. Let him fight.

Seeing that Su Ruo slowly closed his eyes, Xiao Tang sat by the side and watched. After Su Ruo's breathing stabilized, he got up and walked out. This time he remembered to lock the door to prevent Chen Zi from coming again. quarrel with her.

After going out, he didn't see Chen Zi, but instead saw his mother.

Xiao Tang called Mom.

Chen Zihan nodded: "Is Su Ruo feeling better?"

Xiao Tang nodded: "She is sleeping now."

Mom has something to tell you, come down to my room. "

"Okay, if you need to find me, you can just let the servant come to find me, you don't need to come here yourself." Xiao Tang replied.

"Well, I wanted to come and see Su Ruo. Seeing that she was asleep, I'll talk to you first." Chen Zihan walked towards her room after speaking.

Xiao Tang followed behind her.

Xiao Tang looked at her mother's back, although it was still the same as before, but she always felt a bit desolate, maybe it was what Chen Zi said to him that affected him.

The two entered the room and sat on the sofa. Tea was already brewed on the tea table, which was slightly steaming. Chen Zihan poured Xiao Tang a cup.

"Drink and watch, Mom just made it." Chen Zihan said.

Xiao Tang looked at the chrysanthemum tea in front of him. The bright yellow flowers were so attractive, blooming in the water. He thought it was very beautiful, but he didn't like it at all. When he was young, his mother always wanted him to drink more tea. Drinking these, said that it is different for the body, but he doesn't like the taste very much, but he still makes himself drink it every time,

(End of this chapter)

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