Remarry my wife

Chapter 323 Zheng Yuan's Letter

Chapter 323 Zheng Yuan's Letter (1)

"What's the matter? Ah Tang, did you say something to Xiaozi?" Su Ruo looked confused, and then got up: "Mother-in-law, husband, let me go and see Xiaozi!"

"Don't go, it's useless if you go." Xiao Tang grabbed Su Ruo, he didn't want Su Ruo to have more contact with Chen Zi, he was afraid that everyone would know about this matter, what a joke this is!

"That little girl..."

"Let her go, let's eat." Chen Zihan opened his mouth, and then moved his chopsticks.

It's all like this, of course Su Ruo couldn't say anything, and sat next to him and started to have dinner.

After finishing the meal, Chen Zihan might not be in the mood for being disturbed just now, so he left without saying much.

Xiao Tang naturally helped Su Ruo back to the room, and the two lay on the bed.

"Husband, what's wrong with Xiaozi?" Su Ruo asked, she didn't like this, she always felt that something was weird, but she couldn't tell.

"Xiao Zi is too self-willed. She is so old and doesn't know how to measure herself. I don't have time to accompany her every day." Xiao Tang said with a frown.

"Honey, it's been so many years since Xiaozi came back, you have to spend more time with her, after all, she's your sister." Su Ruo shook her head helplessly, and lay back on the bed.

Xiao Tang smiled wryly to the side, his silly wife, I really don't know what to say!

The next day, Xiao Tang has time and prepares to take Su Ruo out.

The two talked and laughed and walked downstairs. When they were in the living room, they saw Chen Zi, who was about to go out, dressed fresh and beautifully.

"Xiaozi, where are you going?" Su Ruo stopped her.

Chen Zi stopped, looked back, and saw Su Ruo sweetly holding Xiao Tang's arm, she frowned slightly: "I want to go out."

"Are you alone? Do you want to go together?" Su Ruo suggested.

"I don't want to disturb your two-person world, I'm leaving." After Chen Zi finished speaking, she left without looking back.

Seeing Chen Zi's figure leave, Su Ruo felt uncomfortable with Chen Zi's attitude.

"This girl really deserves to be scolded." Xiao Tang said with a frown, looking at the way he spoke, it was really infuriating.

(End of this chapter)

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