Remarry my wife

Chapter 325 Zheng Yuan's Letter

Chapter 325 Zheng Yuan's Letter (3)

"Ningning, be careful of Ruoruo's stomach." Yang Xue reminded.

Xu Ningning nodded vigorously, then reached out to Su Ruo's belly, touched the protruding belly, and shouted wonder.

"Do you think it will be a boy or a girl?" Even Chen Xiaoyan couldn't help asking. Seeing that Su Ruo is so happy now, she is really happy for her. She always feels that Su Ruo is getting more and more beautiful. Maybe this is the power of love and the beginning. The magic of motherhood.

"I'm a godmother anyway, men and women are the same." Yang Xue took it.

Xu Ningning also responded loudly.

Looking at the current picture, how sweet Su Ruo is now, thinking of how down and out she was in Chen Xiaoyan's place before, in more than half a year, she has really changed a lot, as if she had been in a lifetime.

"Ruoruo, I heard that your mother-in-law and sister-in-law are back, how do they treat you?" Chen Xiaoyan asked.

Su Ruo thought about it, and told them about the general things, and automatically skipped the things that caused her tires to move due to excessive indulgence, how embarrassing it was.

Listening to Su Ruo talking about her mother-in-law and sister-in-law, the three of Chen Xiaoyan listened quietly.

When the talk was about the same, Chen Xiaoyan remembered something, and then went to the side to get a newspaper: "Your sister-in-law is really coquettish, she just returned to China, and she is so chic in a nightclub, so many newspapers have published it. "

Su Ruo took the newspaper and looked at it. It was also about Miss Chen Zi and Xiao's family being romantic. She looked at it and frowned slightly. She didn't like such reports very much, especially her past events, which left a shadow on her .

"Let your husband take care of it." Chen Xiaoyan said.

"Xiaozi came back from abroad, people abroad are more open, maybe this is very normal in foreign countries." Su Ruo said good things for sister-in-law.

"Maybe, let's not talk about it." Chen Xiaoyan took back the newspaper.

Then the few people gathered around and talked about their recent life. They hadn't seen each other for several months. These four good friends were extremely excited.

"Ruoruo, there is something I want to tell you." When he was about to say something, Chen Xiaoyan opened his mouth, his face a little heavy.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that the three of Chen Xiaoyan had stopped talking, Su Ruoxin felt a little uneasy.

"I have a letterhead that Zheng Yuan left for you. I'll get it for you. You'll know it after you read it." Chen Xiaoyan frowned, then walked upstairs.

(End of this chapter)

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