Remarry my wife

Chapter 331 Scars Revealed

Chapter 331 Scars Revealed (6)

"This is the best." Chen Zihan breathed a sigh of relief. She was a little excited just now, but now her heart is very uncomfortable. No matter how good a person is when she is old, she is still in her 50s, and some of her body functions can't keep up. up.

"Mom, I'm a little worried about Ruoruo. She's a victim and has suffered too much. I'm afraid she won't let it go." Whenever Xiao Tang thinks of this, he feels uncomfortable.

"Then you go out." Chen Zihan waved his hand.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Tang turned around and left in a hurry.

Looking at her son's back, Chen Zihan felt bored. She didn't know what to say. Young people's affairs were becoming more and more difficult to manage. She didn't need to ask about the past, but she would never ask about the present. Regardless, this family just needs a leader.

When Xiao Tang returned to the living room, Su Ruo was still in a daze, her eyes were red.

"Wife..." Xiao Tang hurriedly sat next to her.

"Ah Tang..." Seeing Xiao Tang, Su Ruo seemed to have grasped at straws and hugged him. She felt very uncomfortable now. She saw Zheng Yuan's letterhead yesterday, and today she was ridiculed by Chen Zi , The scars were torn apart bloody again and again, how painful it was!
"Hey, it's okay, it's okay, I've explained it clearly to my mother, you can't help this matter, none of us will blame you, don't think too much about it." Xiao Tang comforted the woman in his arms road.

Sometimes I feel that Su Ruo is a very strong woman. She has gone through a life like that in the first two years of marriage. Can you say she is not strong?But sometimes she is very fragile, like now, it makes people feel distressed.

"Honey, I feel really uncomfortable..." Su Ruo's voice was a little choked up.

"I know, I know it all, just cry if you want to cry."

After being told by Xiao Tang, Su Ruo burst into tears, and then burst into tears in Xiao Tang's arms, the voice was really wronged and sad.

Xiao Tang really hates Chen Zi now, what kind of situation does this girl have to do to make her happy!

He must talk to her later, it's too much!He has a fire in his heart and nowhere to vent it!

As long as he thought of Zheng Yuan, he would feel very angry.

(End of this chapter)

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