Remarry my wife

Chapter 337 She committed suicide

Chapter 337 She committed suicide (3)

"Go, Mom is really anxious to hug her grandson, hehe..."

"Just wait a few more months." Seeing his mother smile again, Xiao Tang felt a lot more comfortable. In fact, he was afraid that his mother would cause trouble if she knew about Su Ruo and Zheng Yuan. , His mother actually understands very well, which really surprised him. It's great, and he has less troubles.

After chatting with his mother about Su Ruo, Xiao Tang accompanied his mother back to the room, and then returned to Su Ruo's room.

In the middle of the night, someone knocked heavily on the door of the room, and Xiao Tang was startled awake.

Turning her head to look at Su Ruo, she also frowned and slowly woke up.

"What's wrong?" Su Ruo muttered dreamily with half-opened eyes.

The door is still being knocked on, Xiao Tang is very dissatisfied that he still looks like this in the middle of the night, is it dead?
"What's the matter?" Xiao Tang shouted angrily.

"Master, Miss committed suicide." The servant's urgent voice sounded.

Xiao Tang and Su Ruo were dumbfounded when they heard it, Xiao Tang reacted quickly, got out of bed in a hurry, and was about to run out, but he remembered Su Ruo, and when he looked back, he also saw that she was getting out of bed anxiously, and he pressed the button. Stopped her: "Honey, don't worry, I'll go and have a look first, be careful with the child."

Seeing that Xiao Tang was still worried about herself, she nodded.

Xiao Tang put on some clothes and ran out quickly.

"What's going on?" Xiao Tang asked the servant who was following him while running.

"Miss lost her temper tonight and didn't eat. The butler just asked me to bring supper to Miss. As soon as I arrived at Miss's door, I saw blood coming from the crack of the door, so I ran to find you!" Not daring to breathe, he finished speaking in one breath, holding back until his entire face turned red.

Xiao Tang kept frowning. When he came to Chen Zi's room, the butler just opened the door. When he saw the person lying on the ground and the bright red blood all over the floor, he rushed up quickly.

Blood flowed from Chen Zi's wrist, and he quickly covered her wound with his own hand, and put the other hand under Chen Zi's nose, breathing weakly, he yelled at the people next to him: " Immediately prepare the car and go to the hospital."

Su Ruo followed behind. When she saw the blood on the ground, she screamed, and stood there with a pale face while leaning against the wall. How could this happen?
(End of this chapter)

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