Remarry my wife

Chapter 339

Chapter 339

"Doctor, how is my sister?" Xiao Tang asked anxiously.

"Temporarily out of danger, not life-threatening, stay in the hospital for observation for a while." The doctor said, taking off the mask on his face.

Xiao Tang and the others felt relieved for a day.

The doctor left, and the nurse pushed the unconscious Chen Zi back to the hospital.

Xiao Tang and the others hurriedly followed.

Looking at Chen Zi, who was in a coma with a bloodless face on the hospital bed, everyone was in a bad mood. It was really surprising that such a thing happened.

"Xiaozi, you are so cheerful, why would you do such a stupid thing? It's all my fault!" Seeing that Chen Zi seemed to be sleeping forever, Chen Zihan said guiltily, the bed was accompanied by her teenage daughter!

"Mom, it's my fault, it has nothing to do with you, don't blame yourself." Xiao Tang said with a frown.

"It's fine." Su Ruo said softly, she didn't even know how to respond.

"Yes, as long as it's okay, I won't force her to do things she doesn't like again." Chen Zihan nodded with guilt on his face.

"Okay, the doctor said it's all right, I'll ask the driver to let the two of you go back first." Now in the middle of the night, Xiao Tang didn't want his mother and wife to be tired.

"Well, if Su is still pregnant, go back first. Ah Tang, you go back and change your clothes before coming back. Mom will watch Xiao Zi here first, and you will replace me later." Chen Zihan said in a hoarse voice.

"Mom, let the housekeeper watch over here. Go back to rest at this late hour. I'll come back after changing clothes." Xiao Tang frowned.

"No, Mom wants to be with Xiaozi, but now she can't sleep even if she goes back." Chen Zihan said with determination on his face.

"I'll stay with mom too, you go back and change your clothes." Su Ruo said softly.

"Su Ruo, go back and listen to Mom." Chen Zihan frowned.

In the end, he couldn't stand the resolute Chen Zihan, so Xiao Tang had no choice but to take Su Ruo back.

The driver was driving, Xiao Tang leaned back on the seat with a tired face, Su Ruo also frowned tightly, neither of them spoke.

"Husband, why did such a thing happen?" Finally, Su Ruo couldn't help asking.

"My mother and I asked Xiaozi to go on a blind date, she doesn't like it." Xiao Tang kept his eyes closed, and after a long time, he said in a hoarse voice.

(End of this chapter)

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