Remarry my wife

Chapter 343 Leaving in Anger

Chapter 343 Leaving in Anger (1)

Perhaps being unsteadily stared at by Chen Zi, Xiao Tang woke up with a frown, his eyes sleepy, and when he saw Chen Zi staring at him, he got up.

"Is there anything better?" Xiao Tang asked in a hoarse voice. Although he didn't like Chen Zi, he didn't want to make things worse. He thought about it all night last night, and he planned to send Chen Zi away and stay here. It will only be more troublesome.

"Brother Ah Tang..." Hearing Xiao Tang's tone of voice softened a lot, when Chen Zi thought of her fear of committing suicide yesterday, her heart filled with grievances, and her eyes turned red again.

"Okay, don't cry, as long as you are fine." Seeing Chen Zi's appearance of crying at any time, Xiao Tang's heart softened.

"Brother Ah Tang, can you forgive me? I really don't want to go on a blind date." Chen Zi said pitifully.

"I see, I forgive you, now you just need to rest well, I will go to the doctor to check you." Xiao Tang didn't want to say anything, got up, straightened his clothes and hair, and walked away under Chen Zi's gaze up.

A doctor was called for an examination, Xiao Tang yawned and stood outside the door, leaning against the wall thinking about something.

After a while, Chen Zihan and Su Ruo also came together, and the three met. At Chen Zihan's request, Xiao Tang took Su Ruo home to rest first.

On the way back, Xiao Tang gently hugged Su Ruo with a tired face, and leaned his head on her shoulder lightly.

"Husband, what are your plans for the future?" Su Ruo put her hand on Xiao Tang's head and stroked it gently. She is very worried now that if Chen Zi's matter is not handled well, the whole family will not be at peace.

"Send her abroad, I'm afraid she will do something bad to you." Xiao Tang said in a hoarse voice, he had a bit of a cold last night and was dizzy.

"That's good." Su Ruo agreed, now she really doesn't know how to get along with Chen Zi under the same roof, it's better to let her go, out of sight.

"Honey, I'm so tired." Xiao Tang hugged Su Ruo tightly, and changed his position so that he could lean on Su Ruo's shoulder more comfortably.

"I know, husband, take a good rest when you are tired, and I will always be with you." Listening to Xiao Tang's words, Su Ruo felt uncomfortable, no matter how strong people are, they will be sad and sad, and they also have a fragile side, but They just hid this side very deeply, Xiao Tang rarely showed his fragile side, Su Ruo really felt so distressed.

(End of this chapter)

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