Remarry my wife

Chapter 359 Harmonious mother-in-law and daughter-in-law

Chapter 359 Harmonious mother-in-law and daughter-in-law (2)

She clearly loves her very much in her heart, but still refuses to say it out. She can see that Chen Zihan loves Xiao Tang very much, but she was used to being strict when she was a child, and gradually forgot the emotional expression between them.

"Ah Tang, where did you go early this morning? You haven't come back for dinner yet." Chen Zihan asked in a low voice without raising his head from the dictionary.

"I heard from him that something happened." In the morning, the matter of Chen Zi came to mind again, and she felt a little uncomfortable. Su Ruo changed the subject: "Mother-in-law, I want to make a sweater for my child. The child was born. It's spring and it's still cold."

"You want to knit a sweater?" Chen Zihan quickly raised his head.

"Yeah, there's nothing to do anyway, why not make a sweater for the child, the child will be so warm in the future." Su Ruo thought about how warm her child would be wearing the sweater she made herself!


"Mother-in-law, will you know it? If you know it, teach me."

"This...I don't know." Chen Zihan pushed the gold-rimmed reading glasses, and smiled a little embarrassedly: "Aren't there servants at home? Just ask them to do it."

"Ah? Mother-in-law, you don't know how?" Su Ruo bent her lips and smiled, it turned out that her mother-in-law could also eat buns, and the embarrassment looked really different from her usual proud one!
"What's the matter? What's the matter if you don't know?" Seeing Su Ruo smiling like that, Chen Zihan became a little annoyed.

Su Ruo smiled, and then said softly: "Mother-in-law, let's learn together, we have nothing to do anyway, we each make a piece of clothing, and the child will wear it in the future, I don't know how much he will love us."

"That's a good idea, but who will teach it?" Chen Zihan frowned, acquiescing to this matter. She was used to being high-profile, and now she was a little dissatisfied with letting others teach her, but it was worth it for her grandson.

"I've invited Mrs. Zhang, and it will be ready then." Su Ruo replied.

"Oh, when will it start?" Chen Zihan raised her eyebrows slightly. She has been a wealthy daughter since she was a child. Although her family has fallen, she rarely does things that ordinary people do. Living an ordinary life, I let Xiao Tang's father take care of her. Now that I think about it, I don't know if she played with arrogance or arrogance played with her.

(End of this chapter)

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