Remarry my wife

Chapter 361 Sweet things

Chapter 361 Sweet things (1)

After Mrs. Zhang came, Su Ruo and Chen Zihan waited in full force, listening to her teaching carefully.

Xiao Tang leaned on the sofa, with a smile on his mouth, watching the two women learning clumsily, never thought it was so funny, seeing the two panicked with the needles, he almost burst out laughing, and tried hard to hold back. Try not to let yourself laugh.

"Young Mistress, hold the needle like this." Mrs. Zhang corrected Su Ruo's posture for holding the needle.

Su Ruo let out an oh, and then corrected herself.

"Ma'am, you took it wrong too, so you poked yourself." After correcting Su Ruo, Mrs. Zhang went to see Chen Zihan, and almost laughed out of Chen Zihan's posture.

"Then how do we do it?" Chen Zihan frowned, obviously looking at a very simple thing, it was so difficult to do it.

"This way!" Mrs. Zhang made a pose for Chen Zihan to imitate.

Chen Zihan didn't fix it after a long time.

"Grandma, put this hand here!" Su Ruo also helped to correct.

Chen Zihan endured and corrected it over and over again. After a while, when Xiao Tang started to yawn, he finally got the posture right.

Next learn the easiest tricks.

Su Ruo and Chen Zihan have been watching carefully. If Su Ruo is a young man who learns quickly, he will be able to do it soon. Although the weaving is a bit rough, it still looks good. Even Xiao Tang beside him praised Su Ruo for being amazing.

It was fun in the living room.

But there was something wrong with Chen Zihan. As she got older, her memory was not very good, and she was slow to learn. After a few more tricks, she began to feel powerless and kept making mistakes.

"Ma'am, this is wrong." Mrs. Zhang corrected.

As soon as Chen Zihan got it wrong, he hurriedly corrected it.

"Grandma, it's still wrong for you to wait like this." Su Ruo leaned over her head and reminded.

"Oh, this is wrong and that is wrong. If you don't do it, you can't do it." Annoyed by being messed with, Chen Zihan threw the wool, then got up and went upstairs.



Mrs. Zhang and Su Ruo called a few times, but Chen Zihan left without looking back.

"Husband, is mother-in-law angry?" Su Ruo frowned and asked Xiao Tang.

"Hehe... Mom is used to being proud, and now you keep pointing out her mistakes. I must be unbalanced in my heart. It will be fine after a while."

(End of this chapter)

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