Remarry my wife

Chapter 37 Mother's Persecution

Chapter 37 Mother's Persecution (5)

" unfilial daughter, you want to piss your mother off! If you dare to divorce, I'll jump off the building and die!" My daughter is divorced, so how will she live in the Su family!The power and money she had so hard to get were not for nothing, and she was going to give it to others. She didn't allow it, even death!

Su Ruo was angered by her mother's words. She has been like this since she was a child. As long as she violated her will, she would threaten her with death. When she was young, she simply thought that her mother would see her cuteness later. Will gradually fall in love with her, but she never waited until that day, every time she saw her mother's cold face complaining, when she was sad, her mother would ignore her, when she was raped by her half-brother Her mother never came to help her when her brothers and sisters bullied her... She was fed up, fed up with all of this, she had worked so hard for so many years, she had been obedient and obedient for so many years, but what she got now, Her mother sold her daughter for glory, and her husband betrayed her again and again. She had had enough of all of this. She didn't want to be so stupid. People are selfish, and she also wanted to be selfish for the rest of her life.

"If you really can't think about it, I can't help it. I made a decision, and no one has changed!" This is the first time Su Ruo has said such a serious thing, she should understand, how can her mother love such a vain person? She will actually jump off a building, she is neither stupid nor stupid!

"Okay, the wings are hard, the unfilial daughter is not filial..." Qiu Hong pointed to Su Ruo and complained, and kept repeating these few words, her face was already distorted.

"I'm leaving Su's house, you can explain to your father later!" Su Ruo finished speaking, turned around, opened the door and left!
Hearing the slamming of the door, Qiu Hong fell limply to the ground...

Su Ruo stood outside the door with tears streaming down her face. She finally took the first step. From now on, she only lived for herself, and no longer lived in pain with such a package!

Come on Su Ruo!Su Ruo encouraged herself in her heart!

PS: The daily update time is after 2 pm. If I don’t update it, I will explain it in the article. This article will never be abandoned!If you like it, please bookmark, subscribe and comment, I will update more according to your reactions, thank you!Thank you for your support, so that I have the motivation to work hard!

(End of this chapter)

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