Remarry my wife

Chapter 371 Give birth to children

Chapter 371 Give birth to children (3)

Time passed by, the doctor was busy, and Su Ruo's intermittent screams made Xiao Tang feel that he was about to collapse.

When he could hardly stand it anymore, he suddenly heard the doctor yell loudly: "I gave birth, I gave birth..."

After a while, the child's loud cry came out.

As soon as he heard the cry of the child, tears welled up from the corners of Xiao Tang's eyes. He had never felt so touched before. Holding Su Ruo's hand, he looked at Su Ruo with tears in his eyes and said, "Honey, you gave birth, you gave birth!" ..."

The corners of Su Ruo's mouth curled up, and then her eyes darkened, and she fell into a coma.

"Doctor, my wife has passed out, doctor..." Seeing that Su Ruo had passed out, Xiao Tang cried out in horror.

"Mr. Xiao, don't get excited, it's fine." The doctor said hastily.

"That's good, that's good..." Xiao Tang stretched out his hand to help Su Ruo wipe off the sweat, and then he remembered that he was also sweating profusely, and his whole body was soaked in sweat.

The nurse was taking care of the child in an orderly manner, and soon came over with the child in her arms for Xiao Tong to have a look at.

Xiao Tang looked at his child, who was so small and wrinkled that he didn't even open his eyes. He was really moved and wanted to cry.

The nurse left with the baby in her arms, Xiao Tong hurried to Su Ruo's side, and followed Su Ruo out of the ward. The mother outside the operating room and the Su family had long been happy, especially her mother, who couldn't close her mouth with a smile. I was talking with the Su family over and over again.

After putting Su Ruo in place, Su Ruo was still in a coma. He lovingly touched every corner of her face, and said softly: "Honey, our child is very beautiful, and he will be a handsome boy in the future. You have worked hard."

Knowing that although Su Ruo couldn't hear it, he was still very happy. Her mother had already gone to see the child with the Su family. There were only him and Su Ruo in the whole ward. His lips kissed her lips over and over again, with infinite lingering.

Su Ruo was woken up by Xiao Tang's kiss, and the first thing she said when she opened her eyes was how is the child?

Xiao Tang told Su Ruo what he saw just now, and they both had sweet smiles on their faces.

Su Ruo felt that the hard work was really worth it.

PS: I burned my book, and I went to an Internet cafe to write it. It’s a bit late today, everyone, forgive me, I’m really miserable!
(End of this chapter)

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