Remarry my wife

Chapter 374 Paternity Test

Chapter 374 Paternity Test (1)

The little guy is very healthy. After only a few days in the hospital, he couldn't bear it anymore.

Su Ruo didn't like staying in the hospital, after observation, the doctor also discharged them on time.

A group of people left the hospital happily, and Su Ruo began confinement.

The Xiao family was full of people every day, and congratulatory congratulators came one after another. Xiao Tang got annoyed after receiving him a few times, so he asked the housekeeper to receive him at the back, and accompanied his wife and son by himself.

Chen Zihan is now by his child's side every day, scrambling to hug his lovely grandson. In the end, Xiao Tang can only watch helplessly as his mother and wife dominate his son, and he can only watch with aggrieved face. with.

"Look, my next morning's eyes and nose look like my father's, and this little mouth misses my mother's." Chen Zihan said while hugging his precious grandson.

The little baby seldom cries. He always keeps his eyes open and looks at this strange world curiously.

Although the little baby is obedient, he loves to sleep very much. He sleeps for about 15 hours a day. Sometimes when it is Xiao Tang's turn to hug him, the little baby has already gone to meet Duke Zhou.

"The child's eyes are so bright, and there is a little bit of blue light in them." A visiting lady said in surprise.

When Su Ruo heard this, she felt a lump in her heart. She felt that it was weird to say such words. She looked at the child seriously. The child's eyes were very bright, but the so-called blue light was only a little bit, which may be a problem of contrast.

"It's really beautiful, and she looks a bit like a mixed race." Another lady also took the conversation.

Su Ruo was upset when she heard that, Xiao Tang who was on the side had already lowered her face, they all had shadows in their hearts, because Zheng Yuan was of mixed race, didn't these two wives obviously troubled them by saying this?

After the two ladies talked, they left.

Both Su Ruo and Xiao Tang's expressions were not very good-looking, but Chen Zihan didn't feel much. Her mind was all on the child, so she didn't have time to pay attention to their expressions.

"Mom, take the baby out for a walk." Xiao Tang said to his mother.

Chen Zihan nodded, hugged his grandson while talking and left.

(End of this chapter)

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