Remarry my wife

Chapter 377 Paternity Test

Chapter 377 Paternity Test (4)

"Xiao Tang, Xiao Tang, I feel really sorry for you, how does it feel to hold a baby for someone else?" Xiang Yang still sneered, Xiao Tang's threat was of no use to him.

"Say it again!" Xiao Tang got angry, and he stood up suddenly, waking up the child in his arms.

The child may have been really frightened, and then burst into tears.

Xiao Tang saw it, and hurriedly began to comfort the child. Chen Zihan, who was not far away, turned back when she heard her grandson crying. When she saw a few more people in the living room, she frowned.

"Mom, come and help me hold the baby, I have something to tell them." Seeing his mother approaching, Xiao Tong hurried forward and handed the child to Chen Zihan.

"What are you talking about? You made the child cry." Chen Zihan took the child in dissatisfaction. Seeing his grandson crying so pitifully, his heart ached to death.

"I didn't say anything, I just wanted to tell you the truth. This child's blood is from the Zheng family, not from your Xiao family." Xiang Yang took the words with sarcasm in his tone.

"What did you say?" Chen Zihan was stunned when she heard this, and immediately became angry. Her temper was like Xiao's disorder, and when she got angry, there was a chill all over her body.

"I said this child does not belong to your Xiao family." Xiang Yang also replied word by word.

"You..." Chen Zihan was furious.

"Mom, take Xiaoguai back first, I'll take care of things here." Seeing that Xiang Yang is getting more and more excessive, Xiao Tang's patience is almost reaching its limit.

"Okay, come and give me an explanation later." After Chen Zihan finished speaking, he left with his crying grandson in his arms.

After the child was taken away, the living room became quiet, and Xiao Tang tried his best to calm himself down.

"Xiao Tang, I said that I would show up when the child was born. Now I want to tell you that the child belongs to me, Zheng Yuan, not yours." Zheng Yuan, who hadn't spoken much, spoke.

"Joke, why do you say the child is yours?" Xiao Tang snorted and laughed.

"Based on this paternity test." Zheng Yuan walked in from outside at some point, holding a document bag in his hand.

Xiao Tang frowned and looked at the file bag in his hand.

"There are two copies inside, one is yours and the other is my brother's. Xiang Yang helped collect your blood." Zheng Yuan stepped forward and handed the file bag to Xiao Tang.

(End of this chapter)

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