Remarry my wife

Chapter 382 The Shadow of Happiness

Chapter 382 The Shadow of Happiness (1)

Xiao Tang changed his clothes and went back to the master bedroom. Su Ruo was writing something in a notebook, which made Xiao Tang curious. He quickly walked up and sat on the side of the bed: "Honey, what are you doing?"

Su Ruo wrote things too seriously, she was shocked when she heard Xiao Tang's voice, and then hurriedly hid the notebook behind her back.

Seeing Su Ruo being so mysterious, Xiao Tang became even more curious: "Honey, what did you write? Show me."

"It's nothing, it's nothing..." Su said with a smile.

"Hey, show me what you wrote." So Xiao Tang wanted to know even more.

"Honey, it's nothing." Su Ruo shook her head.

"If you don't tell me, you'll be punished." Xiao Tang smiled badly, and then stretched out his hand to Su Ruo's armpit.

Seeing that Xiao Tang wanted to scratch her itch, Su Ruo would be defeated if she didn't fight, she surrendered: "Just show it to you, I just wrote about the child and our family since the child was conceived."

"Then show me." Xiao Tang stretched out his hand.

Su Ruo had no choice but to hand over a beautiful book to Xiao Tang. Xiao Tang took it and opened it. There were many words written in it. Su Ruo's handwriting was very delicate. Who is it like, what did I do with grandma and dad today, although it is very trivial, it looks very warm.

"I want to show him how much his parents and grandma love him when he grows up." Su Ruo said with a smile, slightly embarrassed: "My writing is not very good, don't laugh when you see it. "

"Wife, you are really caring. It must be tiring to write like this." Su Ruo should have been writing for a long time, more than half of the book was written. Everything was recorded one by one, he didn't even know about it before, but only saw it today.

"Fortunately, I am very happy to write this. There are children, you, me, and mother-in-law in it. It feels warm just thinking about it." Su Ruo insisted on writing every day, and she wrote it without Xiao Tang. If he is here, she can't settle down to write. It still takes energy to write this. She hopes to print it into a book and keep it as a souvenir in the future. When the child grows up, he will read it.

(End of this chapter)

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