Remarry my wife

Chapter 384 The Shadow of Happiness

Chapter 384 The Shadow of Happiness (3)

"Hehe...husband, I love you so much too." Su Ruo smiled: "Don't keep saying this word, you are an old married couple, so nasty."

"It's not gross, I'm just expressing my heart, except you who dare to say gross." Xiao Tang put his arm around Su Ruo, feeling very complicated.

Su Ruo leaned her head gently on Xiao Tang's shoulder, with their child next to her, she was so happy, so happy, she could walk like this for a lifetime, a lifetime of happiness...

in the study.

Xiao Tang is making an ocean phone call.

"Ahao, you should go back to China tomorrow." Xiao Tang said in a deep voice.

"Why?" Ah Hao's voice came from the phone, with a nasal voice just waking up.

"I have something for you to do." Xiao Tang said with a frown. It's night on his side, and it's daytime on Ahao's side. He's still sleeping now. It's really not Ahao's style.

"Is it urgent? Must it be now?" Ah Hao's voice was a little puzzled.

Suddenly a woman's voice came from the side, Xiao Tang listened carefully, the woman's voice should have been stopped by Ah Hao, and the sound suddenly disappeared.

"What's the voice? Xiaozi?" Xiao Tang asked.

"No, the TV sound."

Xiao Tang didn't ask any more questions, and he wasn't in the mood to care about Chen Zi and Ahao's affairs. He just wanted to get Ahao back. He had been with him for so many years, and he was the one he trusted the most. He needs him to help with things so that he can rest assured.

"It's very important. I've already booked a ticket for you. Come back today." Xiao Tang ordered.

"What about Xiaozi?"

"You can solve it yourself, come back quickly." After finishing speaking, Xiao Tang hung up the phone.

After getting up, Xiao Tang stood by the window, looking out at the night, feeling very oppressed in his heart, when will this family return to peace again!

I hope this paternity test will bring this matter to an end. He simply wants to live a good life with his family, but why are there so many hardships? When will he be able to live peacefully and happily?
(End of this chapter)

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