Remarry my wife

Chapter 390 Disturbing Mind

Chapter 390 Disturbing Mind (4)

Su Ruo just nodded, and followed Xiao Tang back to the room.

After handing her son to Xiao Tang, Su Ruo took several deep breaths before asking, "Did Zheng Yuan come to look for you?

Tell me honestly, I just heard the conversation between you and your mother-in-law, asking which family the child belongs to. "

Xiao Tang knew he couldn't hide it, so he nodded.

"Why does he still come to disturb our life? This child is definitely not his." Su Ruo was a little excited. She almost forgot the letter Zheng Yuan wrote to her last time, and only now remembered it. Zheng Yuan, she felt very uncomfortable.

"I know, the child must be ours. Wife, don't get excited." Seeing Su Ruo's voice raised a lot, Xiao Tang saw that the child was startled, so he hurriedly comforted him.

Su Ruo frowned, telling herself not to get excited, so as not to scare the child.

"Honey, I know the child must be ours, but if the Zheng family doesn't give up and make trouble again, then we can do a paternity test for him, and he won't bother us in the future." Xiao Tang comforted.

If Su Ruo didn't speak, she felt a little angry in her heart, and she finally suppressed the anger.

"Good wife, getting angry is bad for your health, don't let your husband worry about it, okay?" Seeing that Su Ruo didn't speak, Xiao Tang was a little flustered.

"I know." Seeing Xiao Tang anxious, Su Ruo felt uncomfortable, and thought for a while: "Mother-in-law, it's because of this reason that you don't come to see me and Xiaoguai these days, right?"

"Honey, don't blame mom, mom just cares too much, and I'm afraid I won't be able to bear it in the future..."

"Husband, I know it well, you don't need to say it." Su Ruo interrupted him. Chen Zihan suspected that this child would not come to see them. She understood, she understood very well, everyone is like this!

"Wife, do you know? I'm afraid that you won't tell me if you have something on your mind, hold back, and I will be very worried."

"No, we are husband and wife, and I won't bury my thoughts in my heart." Su Ruo smiled, as a consolation: "Give me the baby, and we will eat by ourselves after feeding."

Xiao Tang nodded and handed the child to Su Ruo.

(End of this chapter)

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