Remarry my wife

Chapter 394 Get Out of Xiao’s House

Chapter 394 Get Out of Xiao’s House (1)

I don't know how long I held Su Ruo in my arms, the child was already tired from crying and fell asleep, but Su Ruo was still sobbing, she was so sad.

Xiao Tang knew that his hand was numb, and it was still the one holding the child, but he didn't dare to move too much, for fear that the child would wake up or alarm Su Ruo.

"Husband, I will be where the child is." After a long time, Su Ruo softly said this sentence, her voice was hoarse and terrifying.

"Well, I will be where you are." Xiao Tang said solemnly, although he was sad, but for Su Ruo, he would not mind raising other people's children, love can make people tolerate everything.

"It's good to have you." Su Ruo reached out and hugged Xiao Tang, she only had this family in her heart, she loved her children, she also loved Xiao Tang, and she loved this family even more.

"Don't be sad, I will definitely solve these things, now you and the child go to rest, okay?" Xiao Tang stretched out his hand and rubbed Su Ruo's head.

Su Ruo nodded, thinking of her mother-in-law: "Mother-in-law, how is it?"

"I've had a heart attack. If you take the medicine, nothing serious will happen. Don't worry."

"I'll go back to rest, you go to accompany mother-in-law, she must be very sad." Su Ruo's heart is dark, she knows that Chen Zihan loves this grandson more than anyone else, but now that things have happened to such an extent, she doesn't know what to do Is good?Xiao En would want this child, she could understand, but what about Chen Zihan?Will she accept this child who is not her grandson?

Her mother-in-law is such a face-saving person, she is really worried!
"I see you rested, I'll go again." Xiao Tang helped Su Ruo up, and the two hugged each other and walked out of the study.

As soon as the door opened, there was a man standing outside, Zheng Yuan in white. I don't know how long he stood there. When he heard the sound of the door opening, he came back to his senses, and looked tenderly at the low eyebrow with a pair of blue eyes. Su Ruo, the woman he had missed for so long.

"Ruoruo..." Zheng Yuan shouted, and he also saw the child in Xiao Tang's hands, with a complex look on his face, very excited and moved.

As soon as Su Ruo heard Zheng Yuan's voice, she raised her head. Seeing the thin man in front of her, she felt as if a tasteless bottle had been knocked over in her heart. She seldom hated people. She once hated Xiao Tang, but now She hated Zheng Yuan. It was this kind-faced man who made her life so twists and turns. She really hated him and wished he would disappear immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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