Remarry my wife

Chapter 403 So mean

Chapter 403 So mean (1)


Loud music, flashing lights, red men and dolls sway their youth to their heart's content.

"Ah Tang, drink less." Seeing Xiao Tang has been drinking, Sato Miyahisa stretched out his hand to hold down his bottle.

"I'm not happy, don't stop me." Xiao Tang knocked off Sato Miyashisa's hand, he wanted to vent, otherwise the pain in his heart would make him collapse, he was really going to the limit, he was really afraid of himself Let it out in front of your family.

"Ah Tang, I'll drink with you, have a good drink today." Pan Ziyuan at the side went all out, since he can't comfort Xiao Tang, let's have a drink with him to the fullest.

"Okay, that's enough brother, do it!" Xiao Tang took a bottle of freshly opened wine and toasted Pan Ziyuan, and the two of them raised their heads to blow the bottle.

"You guys... Sigh!" Sato Miyajiu looked at Xiao Tang, and then at Pan Ziyuan, with a helpless expression on his face. Thinking of what happened recently, he also feels bad for Xiao Tang, when will this matter end!

Seeing Xiao Tang and Pan Ziyuan drinking desperately, Sato Miyajiu knew that he had to be sober, otherwise the two of them would be drunk later and no one would take care of them.

"Why...why..." Xiao Tang drank too much in the end, and kept repeating the words why.

"Cheers..." Pan Ziyuan's tongue was tied as he drank.

"Cheers..." Xiao Tang also drank too much.

Seeing that the two of them were drinking in the dark, Sato Miyahisa walked out of the nightclub and called Xiao's family. He was afraid that Su Ruo and the others would worry that it would not be easy for his brother to do what he did.

At this time, the atmosphere in the Xiao family was very bad.

Chen Zihan knew that her son had gone out, and when she went downstairs to eat, she heard the child crying all the time, which upset her.

The child kept crying, and she didn't know what Su Ruo was doing.

Chen Zihan ate half of it, and then she became angry. She went upstairs angrily.

The door of the master bedroom was open, no wonder the cry of the child had been carried so far.

Su Ruo was annoyed because she was not in good health. She fell asleep while playing with the child and had a nightmare. She accidentally pushed the child under the bed. The child was thrown and cried. She coaxed the child for a long time. Panicked and crying all the time, she blamed herself to death.

(End of this chapter)

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