Remarry my wife

Chapter 424 Wife and Mother

Chapter 424 Wife and Mother (3)

"He Ziyuan and the others went to the nightclub and got drunk." Xiao Tang confessed.

"Have you been drinking all night? Have you been drinking all night?" Su Ruo's face was indifferent. It turned out that Xiao Tang said that he didn't care who the child was. It was all fake. If he really didn't care, he would leave his wife and children behind Go to a nightclub and get drunk?
Xiao Tang frowned, gritted his teeth and said, "Yes!"

Spending the night with Chen Zi, that is an unspeakable crime, even if he is a victim, he will never mention it!
Take the night of Su Ruo and Zheng Yuan as an example, although it was just being framed, it will more or less leave a shadow in the hearts of the two of them, and he will definitely do it this time. cracked.

"You know your mother hates me and the child very much now, doesn't it?" This is actually the key point that Su Ruo wants to ask. If Xiao Tang knows that his mother hates her and the child so much, he should deal with this matter in time. Otherwise, the shocking scene last night would not have happened.

"Wife, I didn't know that Mom would be so heartless. If I knew, I would never leave you and the child." This is also what annoys Xiao Tang the most. He really didn't expect his mother to be so cruel and merciless. Do not stay.

"You also said yes, haha..." Su Ruo's eyes were red, but she wanted to laugh: "Xiao Tang, the Xiao family can no longer accommodate your mother, me and children living together, you choose one of them." , who would you choose?"

"No, the Xiao family is complete only if you are all here, my wife, I think mom is just confused for a while, and I will understand after getting along with each other." Xiao was in a hurry. He really couldn't make such a choice. The problem is exactly the same, the wife and mother fell into the water at the same time, who should be rescued first?On one side is his biological mother who raised him and on the other hand is his wife who will live the rest of his life. He really can't choose!He never thought about it either.

PS: This is the end of today's update. The system has swallowed the two chapters I posted. I just found out when I uploaded it. The system keeps pumping again, so worrying!
(End of this chapter)

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