Remarry my wife

Chapter 447 Chen Zi Appears

Chapter 447 Chen Zi Appears (2)

Su Ruo sat on the ground and looked at the photos that fell in front of her. She had already seen the content in the photos. She took a photo in disbelief. Zi and Zi are performing that kind of scene that makes people blush and heartbeat, Su Ruo couldn't believe it, and picked up a few photos from the ground, each of which was so explicit, the two white bodies pierced her to the point of tears. flowed down.

Not daring to look any further, Su Ruo looked up at the woman who pushed her down just now, it was her!
"What exactly do you want?" Su Ruo stood up from the ground with difficulty, and shouted angrily at Chen Zi who was wearing the maid outfit in front of her.

"You know, I love Brother Ah Tang, you can see it now, in fact, Brother Ah Tang loves me very much, otherwise we wouldn't have sex, we have known each other for more than ten years, and it was you, the bitch, who intervened halfway." Come in, or else the woman wearing this white wedding dress is me, not you, a shameless woman!" Chen Zi's face has lost the purity of the past, and her beautiful face has long been distorted by jealousy and hatred.

"I don't believe it. These photos are all fake." Su Ruo stood by Xiao Tang's side without thinking. She didn't believe it was true. The person Xiao Tang loved was her, and she was very clear about it. .

"Do you really think that Brother Ah Tang only loves you alone? You are wrong. How could such an excellent man like Brother Ah Tang only like shameless women like you? He said he loves me too, but you have his love." Child, he wants you to give birth to him, now it's funny, your child is not his, he has decided not to want you as a woman."

Hearing Chen Zi's words, Su Ruo couldn't believe it, she's not a three-year-old child, who is she lying to?
Seeing the disbelief on Su Ruo's face, Chen Zi was not in a hurry, she continued: "The night you and your child had an accident, do you know why Brother Ah Tang didn't come back all night? Do you know what he was doing at that time? Do you really think he was drunk with his brother? Actually, I told you that he was in bed with me that night and the next day, if you don’t believe me, you can look at the date shown on the photo and you will understand Already!"

Su Ruo took the photo, and when she saw the date on it, she was stunned. She would never remember the wrong time, the moment that almost cost her and her child's life.

(End of this chapter)

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