Remarry my wife

Chapter 460 Divorce Agreement

Chapter 460 Divorce Agreement (3)

"Ahao, where are you?" Xiao Tang asked. The relationship between him and Ahao is a bit complicated. He said that Ahao is his subordinate, and he treats him more as a friend, so he doesn't care much about him. It's just that he has something to do. Only then will I call him.

"Young master, do you have anything to do with me?" A Hao said a few more words before Xiao Tang realized something was wrong.

"Ahao, are you drunk?"

"No, no." Ahao took it. Recently, he was very annoying and kept drinking, but his capacity for alcohol was too good to keep drunk. When he closed his eyes, he saw Xiao Tang and Chen Zi on the bed, and he felt extremely uncomfortable. Yes, he is in love with Chen Zi, hopelessly in love with her, otherwise he would not betray Xiao Tang who has always regarded himself as a brother. After doing those things, he blamed himself and regretted it , thought that Chen Zi would go with him, but unexpectedly Chen Zi got worse, he wanted to take her away, she threatened him with suicide, it was the first time he loved someone, unexpectedly it was like this, he really didn't understand How could I fall in love with such a woman? Is his brain sick?Love, sometimes really makes people lose their way.

"Do you know where Chen Zi is?" Xiao Tang asked directly. After what happened last time, he doesn't want to hand things over to Ahao now, and he has a grudge in his heart.

"I don't know, I haven't seen her for a long time." Ahao smiled wryly, and took another sip of his wine.

"Ahao, tell me, have those paternity tests been tampered with?" Xiao Tang became more and more puzzled.

"Young Master, I did it myself, it can't be wrong." After Ah Hao finished speaking, he took another sip, love is so cheap!

Xiao Tang frowned: "Remember to tell me about Chen Zi!"

"Master, don't you need me to help you with something?"

"No need for now, just drink less, that's all." Xiao Tang hung up the phone directly after finishing speaking.

Sitting on the seat for a while, Xiao Tang unsealed the mail and took out the divorce agreement.

When he saw Su Ruo's crooked signature, he felt uncomfortable. Su Ruo's handwriting was very beautiful and delicate. He had seen it before, and now this signature was obviously signed when his hands were shaking.

Look again at the place where the document was wet with water. Are those little marks Su Ruo's tears?
When Xiao Tang saw it, he felt a twinge of pain in his heart, his poor wife!I don't know how sad it is now!
(End of this chapter)

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