Remarry my wife

Chapter 47 Replacing Su Ruo's Position

Chapter 47 Replacing Su Ruo's Position (3)

Doctor Li came in and saw Su Ruo sitting on the bed.

"Third Sister sprained her ankle, you should treat Third Sister quickly!" Hao Hao put on the airs of a young master and ordered Dr. Li.

"Understood, young master!" Dr. Li stretched out his hand and rubbed Su Hao's head. The boy seemed to be dead just now, and he was taken aback. Didn't he just sprain his foot?

Doctor Li smiled at Su Ruo, then took a chair and sat down, and began to check Su Ruo's feet.

"It's a good thing you didn't hurt your muscles and bones, just apply some ointment and rest for a few days and don't go to the ground!" Dr. Li said, taking out the ointment from the medicine box and applying it to Su Ruo.

"Is there really nothing wrong? Will there be any sequelae?" Qiu Hong asked.

Dr. Li shook his head and said with a smile that it was nothing serious!Then left some ointment and left...

"Third Sister..." Su Hao looked at Su Ruo who had kept her eyes closed on the bed, and called out a few times without getting a response.

"Haohao, your third sister is tired and fell asleep, let's come back later, okay?" Qiu Hong frowned, this dead girl can fall asleep like this.

"Oh! Then I'll look for Third Sister later." Su Hao pouted, and walked out in disappointment.

Qiu Hong also left.

As soon as the door was closed, Su Ruo opened her eyes after a while. She didn't sleep, but she just didn't want to face them. She was already very tired and didn't want to hear those words anymore. Looking at the sky outside the window, she saw that god……

in the study.

Su Chen was sitting in the study, smoking a pipe and looking at the documents. The only silence in the study was the sound of the pipe crackling and the sound of flipping books.

The door was suddenly pushed open, and he looked at the person with a sullen look, don't you know how to knock?When he saw that it was his beloved fourth daughter, his anger slowly dissipated.

"Father..." Su Jiao called out.

"Jiaojiao, what's the matter?" Su Chen put down the book in his hand and looked at his daughter.

"Dad, I have something to discuss with you!"

"What's the matter? Tell me!" Su Chen leaned against the back of the chair.

"Father, I want to marry Xiao Tang!" Su Jiao said very seriously, with a stubborn expression on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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