Remarry my wife

Chapter 471 Heart of Jealousy

Chapter 471 Heart of Jealousy (3)

Ahao's status is quite special, he is a caring bodyguard, so he and Xiao Tang and Chen Zi ride in the same car, Ahao sits in the passenger seat, Xiao Tang and Chen Zi sit in the back.

Since Ah Hao came, Chen Zi seldom opened her mouth. She had been clinging to him for the past few hours, but now she was sitting in a well-behaved manner. Xiao Tang wanted to laugh when she saw it. It seemed that his guess was right.

"Xiao Zi, be careful when taking pictures later." Xiao Tang broke the silence of the carriage.

When Chen Zi heard it, she looked at Xiao Tang slightly puzzled.

"Fool, you are not pregnant, this is the first child of the Xiao family, please don't let anything happen to you." Xiao Tang smiled and reached out to pat Chen Zi's head.

Chen Zi was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Xiao Tang excitedly. Is he admitting that she is the mistress of this family?

"After giving birth to a son, I will give you whatever you want." Xiao Tang continued with a smile on his face.

"Is everything okay?" Chen Zi asked softly.

"Of course, as long as I can do it, I will do it for you." Xiao Tang was still smiling.

"Brother A Tang, you are so kind, I just need you to love me from now on." Chen Zi threw herself into Xiao Tang's arms, and said with a moved face.

"Fool, of course I will love you for the rest of my life." After Xiao Tang said this, he felt disgusted. In order to act, he first treated Chen Zi as Su Ruolai.

The two were talking about love, and Xiao Tang looked in front of him vaguely.

Ah Hao in front has been listening, he really wants to ignore it, but those words are pierced into his heart one by one like poisonous arrows, he and Chen Zi have also said that, but what about now?She actually fell into someone else's arms, in front of him, this woman was too...

Why is Xiao Tang's child in her belly? They just spent one night, and he and Chen Zi have been together for more than half a year. Could it not be worth Xiao Tang's night? That day Chen Zi told herself that she was pregnant, but he didn't He was almost overjoyed, but when she showed him the test report, he was completely stunned. She said that the child belonged to Xiao Tang, and he really felt like a thunderbolt.

Ah Hao hates it in his heart. Listening to those sweet words belonging to others, he suddenly feels stupid now. He made himself like this for a broken love. A few days ago, he was admitted to the hospital because of excessive drinking. He is a real fool !

(End of this chapter)

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