Remarry my wife

Chapter 483: Here Comes the Love Chapter

Chapter 483 Love Is Back (7)

"Ahao, I really didn't expect you to betray me for Chen Zi. I tell you that Chen Zi is not pregnant at all." Xiao Tang sneered. I came to re-examine, and I was not pregnant at all, and all the test sheets were fake.

Ahao was stunned when he heard this. After a while, a wry smile appeared on his face. It turned out that the final winner was Xiao Tang. It is always a tool between them, just a tool.

"If you want to understand, you can come to Chen Zi, after all, she used to be my younger sister, and I won't kill them all." After Xiao Tang said this, he waved to his subordinates, and all of them retreated with Ah Hao.

Only Xiao Tang, Su Ruo and the child were left at the scene.

"Wife..." Xiao Tang looked at Su Ruo with a smile on his face.

"Husband..." Su Ruo looked at the man who opened his arms to her, and she threw herself into his arms with the child in her arms.

Xiao Tang hugged Su Ruo and the child, never felt so satisfied like this moment, love finally returned to her side.

"I said I want to be with you forever, and we will be forever." Xiao Tang sighed.

"But we're already divorced." Su Ruo was in tears, and she joked.

"Divorced, you can remarry, little idiot, why are you crying!" Seeing that Su Ruo was crying, Xiao Tang hurriedly stretched out his hand to help her wipe away the tears, but it seemed that the tears couldn't be wiped away.

"Hey, don't cry, you see the baby is looking at you, I'll make fun of you later!" Xiao Tang smiled, reaching out his hand to touch the child's little face.

"I... I'm just... a little moved..." Su Ruo cried and laughed, "My child, it's yours!"

"Yeah, I'm also very touched. I'm too stupid. I can't even see this little conspiracy. It's really embarrassing for you and the child." Xiao Tang said with emotion, after going through ups and downs, finally the cloud opened See Mingyue!

The child belongs to him and Su Ruo. There is nothing more perfect than this. In the future, he will not have to face the situation of choosing a wife and mother. Now he is thinking, if his mother knows that this child is the Xiao family Yes, what will his mother's face look like?Just thinking about it makes him look forward to it!
Love, finally came back, the love after the baptism of wind and rain is more pure!

(End of this chapter)

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