Remarry my wife

Chapter 485 Choose to Forgive

Chapter 485 Choose to Forgive (3)

This is the first time Xiao Tang heard his mother cry. Su Ruo was also beside him. Hearing Chen Zihan's cry on the phone, both of them were stunned. His proud mother would cry on the spot. Astonishing!
Su Ruo actually hated Chen Zihan very much, but when she heard Chen Zihan's crying, she was relieved. She thought about it in a different position, and she understood a little bit. No matter how powerful Chen Zihan is, he is still from the older generation. Conservative and feudal thinking is inevitable , and was born in a rich family, more face-saving than ordinary people, she has always been cruel in doing things, even if she continues to hate her, so what, Chen Zihan is Xiao Tang's biological mother, and her mother-in-law, they will live together in the future, She doesn't want to make it difficult for Xiao Tang like last time. In fact, the most painful person who comes and goes is her husband Xiao Tang, so why bother herself!
When Xiao Tang appeared at the airport holding the child in one hand and holding Su Ruo in the other, Su Ruo had a smile on her face. She was relieved and forgave. is the most important.

When Chen Zihan came out wearing sunglasses, Su Ruo and Xiao Tang greeted him with smiles on their faces. Xiao Tang gave his mother a hug. Su Ruo didn't hesitate, went up to hug Chen Zihan, but Chen Zihan couldn't hold back. Moved.

Chen Zihan took off her sunglasses, her eyes were red, she looked at Su Ruo who was smiling and affectionately called her mother-in-law, and then looked at the cute child in Xiao Tang's arms, she felt so guilty: "Su Ruo, I... ..."

"Mother-in-law, it's all over, and it will be great for our family to live happily together in the future." Su Ruo interrupted Chen Zihan's words, and she knew it in her heart if she apologized. Looking at her mother-in-law's face that seems to have aged a lot recently, she knew Her mother-in-law is also suffering every day.

Chen Zihan nodded vigorously, then went up and hugged Su Ruo, she was still worried.

Su Ruo always had a smile on her face, and this family will definitely be harmonious and beautiful in the future.

Xiao Tang stood next to him with the child in his arms, and his expression was touched. He loved Su Ruo to death, and he was really grateful for Su Ruo's tolerance. In fact, Su Ruo should have hated his mother, but she chose to forgive, for the sake of this family and him. , she let go of everything, with such a wife, what else would he be dissatisfied with.

(End of this chapter)

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