Remarry my wife

Chapter 487 Zheng Yuan's Child

Chapter 487 Zheng Yuan's Child (1)

"Ah Yuan, do you really want to leave?" Zheng Yuan looked at his younger brother who was sitting by the window and kept looking at the moon in the sky. He felt extremely uncomfortable. After returning from the wedding that day, Zheng Yuan hadn't spoken for more than a week. , but now the first sentence he speaks is that he wants to go abroad.

"Well, brother, do you think the moon seen abroad is as round as the moon seen in China?" Zheng Yuan still looked at the moon in the sky. Today is the full moon and the moon is very round.

"A Yuan..."

"Brother, don't be sad, I just want to start a new life when I go abroad, Su Ruo found her happiness, I think I also need a new start!" Zheng Yuan turned his head, looked at his only relative in the world, He smiled, he didn't want anyone to be sad for him, no matter if his child was gone or infertile, he didn't want others to be sad for him, especially his closest relatives.

"It's good if you can think like this, the world is so big, Su Ruo is not the only good woman, as long as you have the heart, you will definitely find it." Zheng Yuan comforted.

Zheng Yuan nodded, does he still have a heart now?Su Ruo is gone, and the child is not his own. After returning from the wedding, he always feels that he has lost something. Has he lost his heart...

Zheng Yuan stayed by Zheng Yuan's side all the time, and when Zheng Yuan said he was going to sleep, Zheng Yuan opened his mouth, but finally left without saying anything...

Zheng Yuan lay back on the bed and stayed up all night. He didn't know that there was a man like him outside the window. He had been standing quietly outside the balcony and looking at the man on the bed in the room. The pain on his face was nothing more than his...

Five years later.

"Oh, husband, get up quickly..." As soon as Su Ruo woke up, when she saw the alarm clock next to her, she screamed.

Xiao Tang opened his eyes in a daze, looked at a certain place out of focus, babbled a few times in his sleep, and then pushed Su Ruo who was already sitting on the bed back on the bed, turned over, and put Su Ruo on the bed. pressed down.

"Honey, stop making trouble, have you forgotten what day it is?" Su Ruo tried hard to push Xiao Tang away.

"What day is it?" Xiao Tang's voice was blurred from sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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